I use email and video marketing to increase sales and customers. I use youtube to post great videos that offer value then towards the end of the video encourage the viewer to subscribe but offering them a bribe. I also use a blog and social media to build the email list.
Once they're subscribed they get exclusive videos and blog posts that are not offered to the general public. Once in a while I'll promote my products and mix things up with the exclusive content. The blog that has exclusive content has banners and text links that promote my products as well.
The key to boost sales is to offer a bonus each time you promote your offer. So every time when you send an email that promotes your product you add a bonus that will never be available to the general public who just go straight to the sales page. You make the subscriber feel special.
You keep stacking the bonuses until they buy. So the key is not to have all your bonus material on the main sales page, you need to keep some so that you can use the secret bonuses to convince the other people who're not sure if they need to buy.
If the exclusive content is really valuable that will make it easier for them to buy, especially if you have bonus material that's exclusive for them only.
That's how you make people buy.
Hope that helps