How to attract clients from YouTube for your web hosting business?


Jun 10, 2022
1. Create content prospects want to watch: If your potential customer doesn't want to watch the first video, they certainly won't want to watch the second, third, or tenth video. Create content that potential customers will find useful.

2. Just answer the question: Your prospect is looking for solution on YouTube so don't try to explain everything you know about a topic. They have questions you should give answer. No roundabout speech.

3. Understand the purpose: Web hosting prospects come on YouTube for education/solution and not for entertainment. Your content must provide the solution of the problem that you promise to provide in the beginning or title of the video.

4. Promote Binge Watch:
People on an average spend 45 minutes on YouTube per visit. Therefore create different playlists that provoke the viewers to click second, third and so on video after watching the first video.

YouTube has become the second largest search engine and platform where your prospects spend lots of time finding solutions to their website and hosting related issues. It is your time to generate more leads for your hosting business with videos.

Amelia John

New member
Jul 6, 2023
Only Youtube?? I think a comprehensive marketing approach that includes a mix of platforms, a strong reputation, and informative comparison (video) content can help attract clients to your web hosting business.


Feb 17, 2024
I completely agree with everything mentioned. Creating content that speaks directly to our potential customers and provides them with valuable information is important. We can build credibility and trust with our audience by answering their questions clearly and straightforwardly. It's also crucial to consider why people are on YouTube and ensure our content aligns with their interests. Organizing videos into playlists can encourage viewers to keep watching and stay engaged with the hosting business.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
1. Create content prospects want to watch: If your potential customer doesn't want to watch the first video, they certainly won't want to watch the second, third, or tenth video. Create content that potential customers will find useful.

2. Just answer the question: Your prospect is looking for solution on YouTube so don't try to explain everything you know about a topic. They have questions you should give answer. No roundabout speech.

3. Understand the purpose: Web hosting prospects come on YouTube for education/solution and not for entertainment. Your content must provide the solution of the problem that you promise to provide in the beginning or title of the video.

4. Promote Binge Watch: People on an average spend 45 minutes on YouTube per visit. Therefore create different playlists that provoke the viewers to click second, third and so on video after watching the first video.

YouTube has become the second largest search engine and platform where your prospects spend lots of time finding solutions to their website and hosting related issues. It is your time to generate more leads for your hosting business with videos.
First step, you must know who's your client what kind of content he's interested... I think not so many people who will search video about hosting company, these peoples will look for so: how i can create my first Internet site or where I can save my photos... I mean what some people will be fine not theme about hosting....theme about something near, and finally you must in this video talk about the best method or instrument what: will help with save files, create first Internet page or use any content management system.. It's only my point of view but I have experience in seo more than 10 years I know you can get client from theme near what client looked for...

Shubham Pant

New member
Apr 18, 2024
Attract web hosting clients on YouTube by creating informative videos that answer common questions about web hosting, target long-tail keywords, and prioritize solutions over sales pitches.

Optimize your channel with compelling titles, thumbnails, and CTAs, then actively engage with viewers through comments, contests, and collaborations. Promote your channel on other platforms and consider targeted YouTube ads to reach the right audience, and always track your results to refine your strategy.

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