I like sites that are clear and easy to navigate (user friendly), but I often fall in love with websites that use visually captivating elements such as a great, well thought-out logo, or a slider style hero header showcasing the company/brand positives. No ads is much more professional to me, as well.
I also hate Google Adwords style advertising on any commercial website. I can understand if the owner is advertising some of his other offers or complementary ads that do not compete with the subject matter of a particular page (but are relevant to it), but if anyone has too many ads, even a free info site where advertising supports the expense, I often close that tab or hit the back page button to get back to the search results and seek something more professional.
I am a little different though, I may wait all day for a web page to load (well, not literally, I would go to another tab and come back later) because I am interested in what someone might have taking way too long to load. But I want to see advanced tech, super cool animations, video or wild javascript effects. That said, I don't usually like what I see much, but sometimes I do if it is done well. I just like to see cutting edge stuff.