Shared hosting
To define this type I could say that our data is stored along with other customers, only being separated by the configuration of the web servers and mail. the same IP, computing power and connectivity is also shared.
Price: This type of accommodation is always cheaper individually.
No administration: It is not responsible for the operation and safety of the operating system and hardware problems. This is a good vantage point.
Configuration: You can not make configuration changes beyond what allows us the supplier, which is usually not much. If we need a special version of a software, or have some particular module may not be feasible.
Performance: Work capacity and connectivity will set depending on the load of other users, usually except disk capacity there is no separation established.
Shared IP: Having shared the IP output mails, including the problem that our emails will be labeled as spam without our fault, because if one of the users makes fraudulent shipments entire platform will be affected.
Responsibility: We are responsible for the problems arising from the code that let us go to the web server. This is important because if our website is vulnerable and exploited for malicious purposes we will see them with the supplier, who will not be responsible and will want to neutralize the threat at all costs.
VPS (virtual private server)
Virtual servers are a hybrid between shared and dedicated server hosting. Data is still on the same physical server but virtualization software is responsible for creating pseudo-independent for each user systems.
Stability: The performance of our hosting will be more limited to what gives us the supplier, as well as the ability to drive our system have exclusive memory and a more or less guaranteed CPU portion, provided that the VPS is properly sized and not overexploited.
Ip exclusive: Here the problems of IPs classified as SPAM stations because other users are avoided.
Configuration: As an independent operating system, you can install modules or software at will.
Price: Although the basic shared hosting is cheaper individually, if our virtual server can host multiple domains from a number we will more profitable.
Scalability: many vendors usually allow modify the characteristics of the virtual server without migrating your data. This allows you to grow in stages.
hardware maintenance. In virtual servers we are not responsible for the operation of the different components that comprise it. If a hard drive fails the provider would be responsible for resolving the impact and try not to stop the operation of our services.
Administration: Unmanaged virtual servers do not include the maintenance service for, backup, security, operating system etc. Managing an online system can be a complex task if you do not have the knowledge or time involved. Improper administration of a virtual or dedicated server can lead to performance problems or closure by the service provider.
Price/performance: With this type of accommodation you can hire more power than shared, although at a higher price compared to the dedicated. The versatility comes at a cost.
Limitations: Depending on the type of virtualization, it is possible that parts of the kernel of your operating system are shared with the control system, preventing you from performing some specific configurations.
Dedicated server
In this section the individual teams, dedicated hardware is included. No limitations beyond working capacity. Normally the provider makes available physical infrastructure, connectivity, and a control panel where you can perform some basic actions, such as rebooting and reinstalling the operating system.
Performance: More power / cost over previous types.
Freedom: In a dedicated system you can implement any hardware configuration that allows you.
superior stability. Do not share your system with anyone else, all components are fully dedicated to you.
Administration: You are responsible for both the operating system and hardware. This involves monitoring tasks and more comprehensive and complex maintenance.
Scalability: Normally it is not possible to change the hardware of your system, so you need to migrate to a different one if necessary. These migrations can be as complex and tedious sometimes leading to wastage or out of phase so as not to perform systems.