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WTS The Complete SEO Guide for Beginners


New member
Jun 24, 2014
Yngvi submitted a new resource:

The Complete SEO Guide for Beginners - The Complete SEO Guide for Beginners

My new book, 'The Complete SEO guide for Beginners' is available to buy for Kindle on the Amazon website.

The book is 330 pages long and contains everything that a novice needs to know in order to get their website to rank well on search engines.

If you want to know how to create title tags, description Meta tags, keywords enriched headings, unique content, backlinks and how to setup Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest accounts for a business, then this book is the essential...
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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2014
I'm also looking for a SEO ebook but professional ebook about SEO which covers new ideas about SEO techniques at this time. what about your ebook, can you post some trial first chapters here to members can see how it is great :D an having a look before buy your ebook.


New member
Jun 24, 2014
I can post chapters, but I just tried to upload one and the file size is too large and it was not accepted. I can post an excerpt from one as text, but it may make for a very large post :)


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2014
It's not good idea if you post attached file because only members can download attached file and reading your chapters so I suggest you try to post 1 or 2 chapters here and everyone can read them. :)


New member
Jun 24, 2014
Here is a small excerpt on creating a title tag. I had to remove the images, examples, code example, and fancy formatting to be able to post it here. Title tags are a basic subject, but I hope this gives some idea of what is in the book.


What is the title tag?
When it comes to optimizing the pages on a website for search engines, the title tag is probably the most important element to optimize correctly. The title tag appears in the head section of the web page.

How is the title tag used?
The title tag serves several purposes:
• The contents of the title tag appear in the top of the visitors' browser when they are visiting your web page.
• When someone bookmarks a page, the contents of the title tag are used as the link to the page.
• Search engines usually use the contents of the title tag as the title of the listing in the SERPs.
• Most importantly, search engine use the title tag to determine what the page is about.

How long should the title tag be?
Google used to specify a maximum number of characters that could be in the title tag before it was cropped. This is no longer the case. Google now crops the length of the title at 512 pixels. As the length of the title tag is no longer dependent on the number of characters, but on the width of the space that it must fit into, a number of factors need to be considered.

• Narrow letters take up less space. For example, the letter 'i' is narrower than the letter 'm' so consumes less of the available pixel space.
• Capitalized letters are wider than their lower-case equivalents. For example, the letter 'A' is wider than the letter 'a'.
• Bold letters are slightly wider than letters that are no bold. When a user enters a query into Google, the search engine highlights the words that match the user query by making them bold.
• Google uses the Arial font with a font size of 18px when displaying the search results. It used to be a slightly smaller font size of 16px, which took up less space.
As can be seen in the example below, using uppercase letters takes up considerably more space than using lowercase letters does. Using lowercase letters means that there is more available space to add additional words and every word helps when it comes to search engine optimization.


Google used to recommend that title tags be a maximum of 70 characters long in order to avoid them being cropped. Taking the above-mentioned factors into account, a title tag of between 50 and 55 characters in length should be about the right length to avoid cropping. This is not a set length though, as the actual letters used in the title tag may permit a slightly higher or a slightly lower number of characters.

Unique title tags for every page
Every single page on your website should have a unique title tag which accurately describes the content of that page. One of the biggest SEO mistakes that you can make is to have all the pages on the site using the same title tag, or for the page not to have a title tag at all. Each page should also only have only one title tag. This may sound obvious but when using a Content Management System (CMS) occasionally multiple plugins can be activated that duplicate each other and multiple title tags can occur.

Keywords in the title tag
Use your pages main keywords in that pages title tag, with the most important keyword appearing near the start of the title tag. Don't overstuff the title tag with keywords. The end result should be readable by humans, and accurately describe the content on the page. If you include your company branding in the title tag, place it at the end of the tag. Unless your brand is very well known, then the keywords will be more important than the branding. On pages other than the home page it may be better to exclude the branding altogether, as it will take up valuable space that can be occupied by more important keywords that will actually drive traffic to your website.

Stop words in the title tag

The number of characters that you can include in the title tag is limited so it is essential to make the best possible use of the space available. Try to omit stop words like 'the', 'and' or 'a' as these words take up valuable space and offer no value to the title tag. Try rewording phrases in such a way that they do not include stop words but so that they can still be understood by the people that see them.

Punctuation in the title tag
Search engine spiders ignore most punctuation in the title tag. Adding unnecessary punctuation just takes up valuable space that could be occupied by words that will drive traffic to your page. If punctuation is necessary to make the text readable, then include it, but try to limit the amount of punctuation.

Dividers in the title tag
Use pipes '|' or dashes '-' to separate the individual phrases in the title tag. This will not add any SEO benefit, must it will make the tags more readable.

Try not to use your page heading as the title tag.
Each page on the website should have a single h1 tag which describes the content of the page. Simply copying the content of the h1 tag and using that content for the title tag is a wasted opportunity as far as SEO is concerned. Use a variation of the main keywords in each tag.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2014
Read great!! :thumb:
I like this short information
a title tag of between 50 and 55 characters in length should be about the right length to avoid cropping..
Try not to use your page heading as the title tag
I don't understand this, although I read description for it below
why don't use H1 the same to title tag?
can you explain this in details

Also, I suggest you post link to your ebook here to someone can buy it :D
it's useful for SEO beginners :smart:


New member
Jun 24, 2014
You can use the title tag as the h1 tag. There is nothing wrong with doing that, and search engines will certainly not regard it as a negative point if they are identical. I just recommend varying it a little bit. Obviously a title tag can have short phrases separated by pipes or dashes but this would just not look good as the page heading. The title on the page needs to be a bit more human readable.


New member
Jun 24, 2014
I must stress though that this book is called 'The Complete SEO guide for beginners'

I would not recommend it to anyone who has a fair amount of experience with SEO, as they may find a lot of the content to be somewhat obvious, and nothing new. That said though, there are 330 pages in the book and it is not filled with fluff or chatter about my personal experiences, so there should be something for most novices.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2013
I can't wait the ebook :clap:
what is meta description, just a little information about SEO description in your ebook?
How much does it cost for the ebook?


New member
Jun 24, 2014
Here is the link for the book on
....and here is an excerpt on the meta description. I had to cut the example images etc in order to post here, so it may not be perfectly clear.


What is the description Meta tag?
The description Meta tag appears in the header section of an HTML document. It is used to provide a brief summary of what the page is about. The contents of the description Meta tag are not visible on the actual page seen by the visitor. The contents of the description Meta tag are often, but not always used by search engine in the search engine results pages as a summary of the pages content. Occasionally, search engine may display a snippet of text from the actual page content, if it is deemed to be more relevant to the searchers query. Sometimes the pages description from The Open directory Project ( may be used instead of the description Meta tag contents.

How the description Meta tag is used
A common misconception is that Google uses the description Meta tag as a factor when ranking a page. Trying to optimize the description Meta tag in order to improve the pages SEO is a wasted effort. The tag is still very important though, as it is often displayed in the search engine results pages, just under the title of the page. The description Meta tag can entice the searcher to click on your link and not any of the others on the results page. It is essentially a way to sell your page to the potential visitor.
The description Meta tag is a way for you to provide searchers with a brief and enticing summary of what the page is about. It is important to write the description Meta tag in a way that it will appeal to humans, not to search engines. Simply stuffing it full of keywords will not affect your pages ranking in any way, but doing so will irritate the human reader, and make them less likely to click through to your page.

Think of the description Meta tag as an advertisement for your page. Write it in such a way that people will want to click on it.

Search engines and the description Meta tag
Search engines frequently use the first 20 - 25 words of the description Meta tag as the summary of the page contents in the search engine results, but if your site is listed on the DMOZ (Open Directory Project), then the description from the directory may be used instead. You can prevent the search engines from using the description from the DMOZ. Depending on the search query, search engines may ignore both of the above descriptions and use a snippet of text from the actual web page in the search engine results instead.

Cropping the description Meta tag
As can be seen in the preceding description Meta tag, the contents have been cropped. This is indicated by the '...' at the end of the description. Ensure that you stick to the word limit in order to avoid cropping, and include the most important words at the beginning of the description. This way, if it is cropped, then you will still be getting your message across.

How to write the description Meta tag
Remember that the purpose of the description Meta tag is to act as a selling point for your page, and not as a way to try and rank higher in the search engine results. It should give the searcher a clear and concise indication of what your page is about, and must be written in such a way as to encourage searchers to click through to your page.

Keywords in the description Meta tag
Use a description tag that contains keywords that are relevant to the contents of the page, but do not stuff the description tag with keywords in an effort to try and influence the pages ranking in the search engines results pages, as it will not work. Search engines highlight the searchers search terms in the description when displaying the search results for the searchers query, so using keywords can draw attention to your listing, but the description should still be written in such a way that it would entice the searcher to click through to your page.

Should every page have a unique Meta description?
It would be nice for every page on a website to have a unique Meta description tag, but on large websites, this would simply take too much time to do. What is important is that no two pages should have the same Meta tag description tag. If your website is very large, then make sure to create unique Meta description tags for your home page and your top landing pages as well as any other important pages on your website.

Remember that Google does not use the content of the Meta description as a ranking factor, but it often includes the contents of the Meta description tag in the SERPs, so having a unique Meta description tag for your main pages is important. If Google cannot find a Meta description tag for a page, it will use a snippet of text from the content of that page. For pages that you do not have time to create unique Meta description tags for, it is better to leave the Meta description tag empty instead of duplicating Meta descriptions across multiple pages.


New member
Jun 24, 2014
To add a little more regarding my post just now about differences in the title tag and the h1 tag, perhaps it will be clearer if I specify this way:

You have a limited number of characters when creating a title tag so it should be written in such a way as to minimise the number of stop words such as 'and' and 'a' etc. Short and to the point phrases separated by dashes or pipes will allow you to add more characters to the title tag.

Heading tags on the other hand need to be more human readable so should be rephrased so as to include necessary stop words while avoiding the usage of pipes or dashes which would make them seem forced and possibly spammy.

All said though, having title tags that are identical to the h1 tags will not have a negative affect on the pages SEO.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2014
Exactly what I need :thumb:
Some factors in ebook need to explain like that will help readers clear the problem.
Good book.

Just curious a bit :D this ebook collects all lastest SEO techniques at this time? and just published ?


New member
Jun 24, 2014
I finished writing and published the book two days ago, so obviously it has no reviews yet. I have used and included all the most up to date information in the book, but SEO is constantly changing.

For example 'Google Places for Business' has recently been renamed as 'Google My Business'. I mentioned the re-branding in the book, but continued to refer to it as 'Google Places for Business' simply because the old name will be more familiar to most people.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2012
Search engines highlight the searchers search terms in the description when displaying the search results for the searchers query, so using keywords can draw attention to your listing, but the description should still be written in such a way that it would entice the searcher to click through to your page.
Only highlight for easy to read or viewers' attention or it can help keyword rankings better than competitors on Search engines ?
you didn't mention this :)


Jun 5, 2013
It'sr really nice to know that there is helpful SEO Book, Which really helps of SEO in this taught & hard time. Well tell us how can I we Buy this Book & what's charges to Buys this Book ?


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2015
Your post says 330 pages but the amazon page says 40. Should make sure that matches.

40 is better. Anyone reading 330 pages of any SEO information would just be reading the same thing over and over.
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