New elements have been added to HTML5 so as to bring both more structure and more tools to enrich HTML.
New elements that enhance structure and semantics are section, article, main, aside, header, footer, nav, figure, figcaption, and template.
Some of the new elements that provide new tools are video, audio, track, embed, canvas.
New types to the input element have been added, like tel, search, URL, email, date, time, number, range and color. These types help the browser know about the type of input you need, so for example on your phone would be shown a specific type of keyboard when you want to fill in a phone number.
One popular attribute that was added to input and text area is a placeholder, which helps you indicate what you are expecting in an input.
Some other elements have found their meaning changed, like strong, which now represents importance rather than strong emphasis.
New APIs have been added to accompany new elements, some elements became obsolete, and much much more.