Need Some Clarifications
I'm using wordpress theme
Can you guys suggest me Where is the best source to buy landing page?
or there is any way to make a single landing page that looks decent and converts?

By "converts" — What do you want your viewers to do? i.e. Do you mean compelling viewers to give their names and emails in exchange for your incentivized opt-in offer, in order to build your mailing list, or do you want to compel them to buy something from you (be advised though that not a lot of first time viewers immediately buy after they view a sales page, especially if they haven't heard of you, your site, your content and your business before), or do you want them to call you or send you an email or a live chat request, or do you want them to share your site in their social networks, and so on, or a combination of these things?
By "buy landing page" — Do you mean buying softsell / hardsell copywriting, design and video creation services to create a landing page for your WordPress site? (the services you need would depend on what you intend your landing page to do, in terms of compelling viewers to do what you specifically want them to)

If you have copywriting and design skills, along with video creation experience (optional) and knowledge in creating an opt-in form in your autoresponder (if you want to integrate an opt-in form into your landing page, and this is relatively quick and easy to do with an autoresponder like AWeber and so on), then you could most likely create a "landing page" on your own — Just create a new page and set it as the static landing page of your WordPress site ...
Feel free to let us know if you still have questions. Cheers!