Re: Hidden Text and SEO
In this
2007 interview with Matt Cutts -- He said hidden text with toggles is fine, provided that you neither stuff that hidden text with keywords, nor do anything with that hidden text that could be considered as ways to trick their bots...
This means hidden text can be indexed, but Google frowns down on efforts to trick or manipulate its bots. With this, it's best to show to the user, upon toggle, the exact same text that Google sees...
So, you should primarily focus on making sure that your hidden text can be indexed, and then optimize your hidden text for human usability -- Your hidden text should, upon user toggle, be visible and accessible to widely used browsers on popular types of platforms (including mobile)...
Also, it's best to remember that Google values visible body text above the fold more than any other text place in any other area of the page -- This means text in sidebars and hidden text won't count more in the eyes of Google than visible body text above the fold, so I recommend trying to strike a balance between visible text and hidden text in your homepage (or in any other page of your site)...
That's it for now. Cheers!