Hello Chris,
Thank you for your question!
Although this is more Cloudflare related I may be able to assist you. I understand that when your visitors and yourself go to your website you get prompted by a captcha challenge. This is good and bad. The good comes with extra security for your website and the bad is that some visitors may leave the website due to the captcha challenge.
In conclusion this is entirely up to you on if you want to lower your websites security and disable the captcha system. As Cloudflare is a third party software I am not able to confirm this is a solution however from my own research from the Cloudflare community this can be disabled. To disable the hcaptcha you need to set your Cloudflare security level to "Essentially Off" or "Low" Cloudflare by default sets your account to "Medium" which challenges both suspicious IP's and moderate visitors.
To change the security level you can go to Cloudflare Firewall app > settings.
I have also private messaged you a direct link from Cloudflare for your reference. Please let us know of any questions.
Mario Cano
Linux Systems Administrator