Hi Dakoom,
let me see if I get it right. Your site is some kind of portal for webmasters and SEO people. You have a community, tools, a blog, and some other toys.
You are using the blog as entry point for the community (?), and it's not working (?).
The first thing that calls my eye is the url... it is not really optimized. if you want a seo blog, you might want your sub-domain to say so. Especially because you are preaching to the choir here. I know that changing this can be a lot of trouble. So leave it if you already started your back-linking campaign.
The second thing that calls my eye are the articles per se. They seem to be for
principianti. You might want to add some label in the articles that allows people to discriminate at first sight the level. And if you target those starting out, you need some articles that will put the whole enchilada in perspective for them, instead of just details all over the place, and pin that on top.
The art is cool. No problem with that. You have a lot of white space, but...
Where I think it is not optimized is in terms of communication with your target market.
Maybe some webmasters or seo people can chime in here, but when I'm in "tech mode" I want clarity and speed. If I have to click or scroll down to find what I'm looking for, it's not optimized. Soo, maybe you could put the list of latest articles and categories above the ad (I know I know... in the ad is where the money is, but you have a lot more possibilities for business when you have the person as recurrent visitor in the community).
Just my 2 cents... take what works for you and discard the rest.