The best time to think and write depends on different kind of people. There are some who are pumped up every morning, it is because they are able to construct ideas when their mind is still fresh and the morning environment is so silent that it is easier to concentrate on tasks. Then, there are those people who prefers doing that stuff at night, due to many things that happen during the whole day, they are able to think of many things whether they saw it or experienced it themselves, it is comfortable to them to write it down while it's still fresh from their memories. In my case, those times depend on the situation I'm in, since not every time it will always be available. There are instances when even you bleed your brains out, you can't just simply generate ideas. Whether its night, morning or whatever time it is , if you have no ideas, then you have none. A very tough situation indeed, not all people are blessed to have a genius brain. Most of us will always have days where we are so productive but there will be days when we barely imagine something. Consistency is the big question for most of people around the world because we can't just go on and off not just on writing, but to whenever we do the different task in life. To became an efficient writer we just don't depend on which is the best time, we should also have an inspiration. Something that will ignite us to initiate and to help us provide ideas. We can't do random things when writing , we should be focused on one specific task in order to create much more efficient and accurate work. That's where having an inspiration came in hand, it provides the missing piece of the puzzle for us and it also dictate us not to slack off or surrender, it rather keeps us on moving forward. Inspiration doesn't have to be our lover, family,friends, crush etc., it doesn't have to be human at all, any thing that we think helps us be productive can be inspiration. Therefore, to make the story short, time isn't the only factor, there are many things like inspiration in which can help us to imagine many things.