What makes yours server really work FAST
1. Ram - Not only the "SIZE" also the TYPE. the popular ram type is: DDR3, and its work perfect.
About the usage: lets say: Linux systems dont "eat" alot of ram but if your have a big application so you need to preper yours.
2. Disk types and Raid - Ok disk type and Raid have own world
To understand it i learning classes for 1-2 lessons only about Raid and Disk types and usage.
So in 2 words: Or use good Disks ( SSD is perfect ) Or find a company with Raid-5\6 or Raid-10.
3. Network speed - Yea its the most important thing when you running a Server in the network.
Its contains the word in the: "SERVER IN THE NETWORK "
So you need to have a good Network connection speed on yours SERVER to make it run good and fast
To test all that 1st check yours disk speed and errors on it, also check that yours RAm is enaught for your needs,
And also test the server network speed.
Have a good day