Here are my 10 Best Email Marketing Practices for 2016 and Beyond, what are yours?


Nov 21, 2015
I just want to share my best practices from what I do and learned from doing email marketing. Feel free to share yours! so we can help a lot of people using email marketing. And since 2015 is nearly ending, let us share this practices that you think will work for years to come. So here are my best 10:

1. Give your best content
2. Email consistently
3. Be you
4. Connect to your audience
5. Do not send promo everyday
6. Subject line is very important
7. Be careful with spam words
8. As much as possible, use simple html format
9. Your "From" name should look professional
10. Get a good Autoresponder

These are my best practices, pretty common, but these are the details you don't want to overlook- with a few technicalities, however easy to implement. For detailed explanation, I actually created a post on my site, kinda bit long, just bare with it.

Here it is: link.

Guys, please share yours, and let us help each other improve our businesses. My post thanksgiving gift, Thank you!


Active member
May 18, 2013
Here is mine

1 - Choose a niche and a product to promote
2 - Setup a nice squeeze page
3 - Register a domain name and buy a hosting plan to host your squeeze page.
4 - Signup for an email marketing service like Mailchimp or Getresponse.
5 - Setup the autoresponse on those email marketing services, you can need to include the link of a free ebook to download.
6 - Buy PLR ebooks about the niche that we have chose. These articles have to give some real valuable information to "potential buyer" in order to build a strong and trustful relationship.
7 - Getting traffic to my squeeze page using social media, forum marketing, blog posts or other advertising methods.
8 - When building a nice consistent email list, start the marketing campaign using my hoplink to the product we am promoting.
9 - Repeat the same process for other niches.

Hope to read from others!



Nov 23, 2012
1. Give your best content
2. Email consistently
3. Be you
4. Connect to your audience
5. Do not send promo everyday
6. Subject line is very important
7. Be careful with spam words
8. As much as possible, use simple html format
9. Your "From" name should look professional
10. Get a good Autoresponder
Would you mind explaining or giving extra info for point #4, # 8 and point #9? although I have just visited your link but I could not quite understand these points.


Nov 21, 2015
#4- build a relationship with your list, make them trust you and build your credibility. Sending them variety of email will help them trust you more as an email marketer. From content email- email that contains pure information how to's, tips, techniques and tricks that is helpful in your niche. Relationship email- purpose of this email is to get them engage with you, make them follow your FB page, let them comment on some of your posts, or follow your twitter posts, regarding your niche. Promo emails- this email has affiliate links or promo links in it, if you built that relationship, this email will be gladly accepted by your subscribers, as part of your recommended products in your niche.

#8 Html format vs. Nesletters - html format is like plain simple text email, like the natural email you receive everyday, unlike fancy newsletters from known brands, that has colors, pictures(gifs), and design frames in it. These newsletters takes time to load sometimes, and your subscribers may not see the details of your email, or simply ignore it- delete it, then it reduces your click-thru rate if you have link on your email, better use html or plain text formats. Still up to you, but i have never used fancy newletters formats.

#9- the from name is the name that appears in your inbox that tells you where the email came from. As an individual email marketer, you want your subscribers to know you and trust you as person, so you may want your name to be there instead of some other name or company you are representing, plain as it is, like your first name and last name there, not Your Company LTD., because it may give your list an impression that you are representing a company, maybe hard to reach when they need help. For me, I believe it reduces the trust factor as a subscriber.

Ultimately, your goal is still to BUILD A RELATIONSHIP. Hope this helps
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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
For detailed explanation, I actually created a post on my site, kinda bit long, just bare with it.
Here it is: link.
As a reminder to all - it is prohibited to place self promo links to services/offers within the forum. Such links must be placed within the special offers section pending approval of staff... That said you can place a link to an article - provided that a summary is given which adds value to the forum and for readers to be able to provide feedback to it within the forum. We do indeed check links and anything deemed in violation of the rules will be deleted incl. pages which have a primary aim to collect emails or to promote products/services...

In addition I recommend that folks use the "BLOGS" section (you can access it via the toolbar above)... All members can post informative articles here noting that you should read the rules as obviously instances of spam will be deleted with possible infraction/ban in all cases...

Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
I don't want to repeat anything that has already been said, so I'll just add my thoughts.

Mailing consistently is good, but you also have to mail enough. It's very easy for people to forget who you are. We'd all like to think people will remember us, but subscribers are probably getting so many emails from other marketers, that it's easy to forget who you are. So you need to mail enough to keep your name in their mind. At least a few times a week if you ask me.

I am sure we've all gotten emails from people, and we think, who the heck is this? And we did sign up for their list. But because they don't mail for months, you forget who they are. I am guilty of this myself. Been there, done that. :)

Oddly enough, I see SO MANY bloggers who are afraid to mail often enough. Like they don't want to bother their subs. And of course it's the easy way to get forgotten.

I use HTML emails, but very sparingly with images. Images in emails can be another one of those little things that gets your email sent to the junk/spam/promotional folders/tabs. Just something to keep in mind.

I agree that you should be "you". But I also firmly believe that you should be interesting. Who want's to read a boring email? If they are boring, will they read future emails? They might even unsubscribe. Could be funny, could be an interesting way your write or talk.

When possible it does not hurt to use cliffhangers, hinting at what's come in the next email. Get them looking forward to the next email. Just like tv does. Obviously this is mainly for follow up type sequences.

And building that relationship need to be the most important part of the first few emails they get. Hook them in the beginning or lose them.

Of course, just my opinions :)

Crystal Violet

New member
Jan 31, 2016
The first priority in Email Marketing is Relationship building. It is important that your list subscribers: Know, Like, and Trust You. They can't connect to you if you seem to have a wall up and create distance. Be professional but be approachable and likeable. I made the mistake of focusing on awesome value-filled products and I left myself out of my email marketing. The thing is subscribers are generally savvy and they can buy the same type of product from lots of people. What makes it different is You! The product provides value and YOU are the "friend" that recommended it.

You can begin building a relationship but just connecting simple occurrences in your day to a benefit of the product. For example I can be home more since I have an online business, and a product that shortcuts my landing page creation and follow up process allows me to spend more time with my son. There you have opened yourself up and you connect with your subscribers. Not everyone will love what you put out there (and you will have unsubscribers), but those that do connect with you will read your emails, click thru your links and buy your recommended products.


New member
Feb 19, 2016
Find a good mentor and follow his step by step footsteps.
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