Yeah, I had Hostgator before they were bought as one of my hosting providers and they were good. Since the purchase by EIG, their service went to the dogs. Most people don't know that almost all of their support comes from the same place, just different label. I thought each had their own till I stated to deal with the same people on the phone with the 2 different EIG companies. I asked and one of their reps told me it's the same.Sorry that happened to you. Sure not the only one, I went through it myself. I was a long time hostgator customer and before the buyout they were a great company, great service. But ya, afterwards, it was a mess. I was dumb enough to stay on, mainly because I had so much stuff to move.
I sat on the phone for more hours that I can remember, it's that much. Especially when dealing with the scams they were trying to pull. I was on the phone dealing with them one time for just under 3 hours. Hold, talk to one, hold, talk to another, hold, talk to supervisor, hold, talk to manager. It just went on and on.I could even get a support ticket answered. Always had to call and sit on the phone for ever. So often it was then, well, we need to pass this on to level 2 support. Really? So wait some more.
That's so true! I think that many people don't even realize that they are constantly buying some of the better hosting companies, so they still think they are going to be treated as good as in the past. A guy on another site the other day recommended Fatcow to someone that was having bad problems with iPage. Same ones I dealt with. I told him it's the same owners and he didn't believe me.Bad thing is most people don't know how many companies EIG owns. MANY of the big brands. I see people complain about hostgator and some one recommends something like Bluehost, uumm.. same company.![]()
One EIG customer service rep I was dealing with when I had a big problem with them told me that they use the same support people for all branches. That's why they ask you questions when you first start talking to them, like "What domain is associated with your account?". He said that when they buy a new hosting company there is a brief transition period where the support might get handled by the original company but it eventually all goes to their big support center.I was wondering about gators support after the buyout. Seems it was said the support was the same people. But they sure did not seem to know much. Same here, hours on the phone. I remember when EIG first started moving all the stuff, all the down time and so many angry customers. Think phone support went down. That or they shut it off, wouldn't surprise me.
Yeah, I think that that information should have stayed up. If it's facts, then I don't see what the issue was. I think the main thing is that they didn't want people knowing all the companies they own. That way if you are fed up with one of their services, you might buy hosting from another service and not realize it's the same thing. They get sooooo many customers that don't like they way they do things, so they don't want them to know which other ones they own. Otherwise that customer (if they knew) wouldn't know to avoid a particular company.Heard the same thing, about them getting their stuff removed from wikipedia. That should be a be black mark on wikipedia. They are suppose to be all unbiased and all. It's like they can be bought out. Not cool
I had that same issue many times with the software on the EIG accounts that I had/have.Funny, I just gave that link to a customer the other day. I was installing a site for him on his hostgator account and I had trouble. software way out of date, ect.
Well once they were bought out then the marketing tactics that EIG uses for their other companies goes into action. They have to do a lot of advertising because of customers that don't like one thing or another with what/how they do things.Course the sad part, I was on hostgators facebook page the other day and all these people pushing their black friday deals. Sure it was for affiliate sales, but still. Seems they have really been ramping up the promotions lately. Maybe because they've lost so much business. Lost a good monthly payment from me.
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