As the internet is evolving and social media is gaining popular, people would like to know who the person or persons are behind a product or company. So the number one focus is branding, that is if you have done all your research as to what niche, keywords, platform and business you are getting into or are involved with.
You can start with a personal blog with your name as domain name. If you are not camera shy, you can even start a video blog. This is the fastest way your audience will get to know, like and trust you. Don't focus first on monetizing your blog . Give 101% value in your posts by thinking outside the box. Always be different and standout in your marketplace. You can do this by doing a simple search in Google with your keyword(s). Look at the titles of the content that are on the top 5 of the first page. You can even read them. Knowing this, you can write about something different and more valuable. For example, if the top titles says "3 Best Tips On..........", Come up with "Top 10 Tips On .........." You get the drift? But very important. Write something that you really know about by experience. It is important to be sincere as you are trying to let your future audience know that when it comes to your niche, you are an expert. You are in business for the long haul so if at the moment, you have nothing really to share that is very valuable, don't. Create ways to experience for yourself what you want to be an expert in. When you have tried one thing, share the results and that can be your post. Your audience will read or listen as long as they see its authentic and genuine.
And don't let the word Expert frighten you. You may be in the IM Niche. You start a blog. Write about your experience in creating that first blog. Write about the difficulties and the victories. You see, someone who is just thinking of starting a business will follow you and start seeing you as an expert. Always remember that there is always someone out there in cyberspace who is one step behind you. Give them 101% value and they will become your tribe.
BTW, there is a Free training on August 4 by my mentor with whom I have been learning a lot from. You may want to take a look at it. If you are interested, email me.