Ramnode is an unmanaged provider, yes. Most providers will provide basic support such as rebooting the server/reinstalling OS and making sure the network and hardware itself is fine, but if you need more than that you need managed providers.
You don't really need dedicated server unless your website/apps have huge amount of traffic. Even then, i know several people who host their mobile apps from DO/Linode instance.
If you still want dedicated and want it managed, it will cost you

Liquidweb service starts at $199, Dreamhost at $149, and that's just the two that i know. Others might chime in on smaller managed dedicated providers but it's not gonna be any less expensive.
Managed VPS, on the other hand, there is a bunch. I believe @energizedit offer that service, and looking at the offers section there are hostxnow and milesweb as well.
I think it's gonna help if you state what specific kind of support do you need though.