
  1. J

    Explore in detail how US backup servers ensure data integrity and consistency

    Backup server is one of the important data protection infrastructure of enterprises, its function is not only to back up data, but also to ensure the integrity and consistency of backup data to cope with the risk of data loss or damage. This article will delve into the importance and...
  2. J

    What are the hardware requirements for GPU servers in Hong Kong?

    The hardware requirements of GPU servers in Hong Kong mainly involve the following aspects: 1, GPU model and number: According to the application needs to select the appropriate GPU model and number to provide sufficient computing power and parallel processing capability. For example, NVIDIA's...
  3. J

    Jtti April promotion, 40% off on Hong Kong cluster servers/US cluster servers, minimum monthly payment starts at $218.6

    April promotion: All Jtti site cluster server products can enjoy a 40% discount. The minimum monthly payment for the multi-C segment 253IP site cluster server is $218.6. The package comes standard with 500G SSD/E5-2660 CPU. The network type defaults to CN2 GIA bandwidth@traffic is not available...
  4. D

    Looking for Storage VPS With Servers In NL Or RO??

    I am looking for a storage VPS for my 3 sites one is a adult forum next is a images host linked to the forum last is a site for my internet radio station Phat Beats Radio. Here are the specs of the VPS server I am looking for 6tb to 8tb space 8gb to 12gb ram 1Gbit connection Server location NL...
  5. AlbaHost

    VDS GAME Servers with PATH DDoS Protection 2023-09-10

    Protection Against Attacks What types of floods do we protect against? Protection Filters We offer a wide range of Filters to futher enhance your protection with a wide range of Games & Services.
  6. HostSailor

    do you know dedicated servers with open port 25?

    do you know dedicated servers with open port 25?
  7. David Beroff

    Apache vs LiteSpeed: Servers Comparison for WordPress?

    Hello WordPress enthusiasts and hosting experts, I am currently preparing a detailed comparison between Apache and LiteSpeed web servers specifically for WordPress hosting environments. If you have experience with either or both of these servers in the context of WordPress, I would highly...
  8. David Beroff

    Best Web Servers for PHP Development?

    Hello PHP developers and web hosting experts, I am currently compiling a comprehensive guide on PHP development, and I would like to include a section on the best web servers for PHP development. As you know, the choice of a web server can significantly impact the performance and efficiency of...
  9. VSYS Host


    Dear Friends, VSYS Host has a question for you! Just to let you know: We plan to launch tasty special offers and discounts for the end of this summer. Yet, it is incredibly exciting for us to discover what specifically could capture your interest! We are talking of server configs, price...
  10. Cheerag Nundlall

    What are some best practices for managing and maintaining web servers?

    Hey there, web server management is critical to maintaining website performance and uptime. But with so many moving parts, it can be challenging to know the best practices for keeping everything running smoothly. So, let's share our top tips and strategies for managing and maintaining web...
  11. Agent 7

    Is there better servers than LiquidWeb?

    I run about 6 websites. 2 are combos between a forum and a blog. One blog is parked on a single domain, and the forum section is on a separate single domain. The rest are forums. I am looking for a server with at least comparable, or better than these specs. Preferably in United States. I want...
  12. bcca

    cheap KVM hosting (servers) for SlickStack

    hello my first post been testing with LEMP stack cloud servers for Wordpress and SlickStack and WordOps, Webinoly the recommend server is Ubuntu LTS and KVM environment-- Vultr, Upcloud, DigitalOcean and Linode are the common providers, I want to know other cheap KVM servers in Asia, Africa...
  13. Cheerag Nundlall

    Servers for smartphone apps or games?

    I am just curious which type of server running for smartphone apps or games? were they running on dedicated server or cloud server? for big games they will need a data center?
  14. Maxoq

    Can 1 WHM/cpanel license use for multi servers or multi reseller accounts?

    Can one WHM/cpanel license use for multi servers or multi reseller accounts? I mean I want to run WHM/cpanel for hosting multi websites on a server. How can I do that?
  15. Chris Worner

    What your favourite tools for monitoring servers?

    Can you guys share me what your favourite tools for monitoring servers? Why you chose it? I would like to know both free and paid tools. Many thanks!
  16. A - 1Gbit, INSTANT SETUP, Linux/Windows Cloud KVM, 37 Locations Worldwide - start €5/M 1.0

    We offer instant activated VPS Cloud worldwide, 1Gbit/s (37 locations), 2Gbit/s (20TB bandwitch) and VPN services. Starting from 5EUR with already 1Gb/s. Our goal is to provide secured VMs and our policy is all about your privacy.
  17. Mujkanovic

    Game Servers Panel?

    Hello, I have never seen a game server panel before, it is different from web hosting control panel? or it has its own panel? Thanks
  18. Gmeister4

    What are delivery delays for your servers?

    Normally I need to wait 1 day for a new server booked from a provider. What is delivery delay for your servers? is it faster than other providers?
  19. Gmeister4

    Cancelled 2 VPS servers in OVH

    Hi, I cancelled 2 VPS servers in OVH after 10 years used these servers there, recent months my servers are always high load and sometimes it got ddos attacks, I enabled OVH ddos protection but seem it didn't work and conflicted with Cloudflare firewall. I wanted to upgrade to their dedicated...
  20. David Beroff

    How much disk space will i have for this plan?

    I am checking this server What does 2x SSD SATA 250 GB mean? will i have 512GB of disk space? or just 250GB?