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VDS GAME Servers with PATH DDoS Protection 2023-09-10

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Why Choosing Us?
Albanian Hosting SH.P.K., was established in 2008, and since then we have been providing hosting, .AL domain names VPS/VDS, Shoutcast Radio, and many more services.
Customers should choose us because we are the first provider in GeoLocated in Albania providing such services since 2008.

We operate with our own network AS48014 & AS212744. Feel free to contact us if you have any question.
Protection Against Attacks
What types of floods do we protect against?
Rich (BB code):
Protection Filters
We offer a wide range of Filters to futher enhance your protection with a wide range of Games & Services.
Rich (BB code):
Payment Methods
Credit/Debit Cards, Paypal, SEPA, Cryptopayment.
Available Locations
GeoLocated in Albania/Europe.
Billing and Guarantee
Please read our ToS for more information related our billing and guarantees:

Service and usage agreement
First release
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