- Joined
- Dec 1, 2015
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- 11
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How to move
Edit of vim
Disk and partition
h/j/k/l: left/down/up/right 
w :move behind the word targeted(frontly adding digit showing how many words to move)
b :move in front of word targeted(frontly adding digit showing how many words to move)
e : move behind to end of a word
ge : move front to end of a word
$ <End> : end of a line
0 <Home> :home of a line
tx : find x and rightly move it where it is(as cpatial TX means move left)
33G : move into 33 lines of files
gg : the first line of the files
G : end line of file
33% :33% of file
H/M/L : first,middle and end lines of screen
/ : find toward down(using key word)
? : toward up(using key word)
n : the next right record
i : change into insert
x : delete Current character
. : repeat action modified at last time
u : cancell
CTRL-R : repeat
Quit and save of vim:
:q : quit
:q! : not save just quit
ZZ : quit and save
:e! : abandon alter then modify aagin
# uname -a # look at kernal,OS and cpu
# head -n 1 /etc/issue # look at verison of OS
# cat /proc/cpuinfo # info of cpu
# hostname # hostname
# lspci -tv # list all PCI device fr
# lsusb -tv # list whoel USB device
# lsmod # list kernal's block to load
# env # list envionment variables
# free -m # usage of cpu and swap
# df -h # usage of all different partitions
# du -sh <dir name> # how big of direction given
# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo # the amount of memory
# grep MemFree /proc/meminfo #the free amount of memory
# uptime # look at running time of system,how many users,load
# cat /proc/loadavg # look at workload of system
# mount | column -t # condition of mount partition
# fdisk -l # look at all partition
# swapon -s # look at all swap
# hdparm -i /dev/hda # disk parameter(only used in IDE device)
# ifconfig # look at property of all net ports
# iptables -L # look at config of firewall
# route -n # look table of route
# netstat -lntp # look at all lisenning ports
# netstat -antp # look at connetion estabished
# netstat -s #look at all information of net
# ps -ef # check out all process
# top # real time process statu