How to build links without getting penalized by Google?


Active member
May 18, 2013
Hello everyone,
Can you guys tell me how to get more organic traffic by building links without Google Penalty? Is there any good way to do so?
Your suggestions are highly appreciated!


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2015
Hi well of course there are good ways to get more organic traffic but its not always about building backlinks. As a general rule of thumb, if you want more organic traffic then you need to work on improving the on-page SEO of your site and also creating and posting the kind of content that your intended search market is looking for. You need to provide what they're searching for. But you need to have good SERP positions to actually receive organic search engine traffic and that comes through solid on-page SEO and content and the RIGHT type of backlinks in the RIGHT place. Those kind of backlinks appear naturally when you have the site sorted overtime on their own. When you start getting huge citations from social networks, blogs, forums etc because your site is being shared and talked about because its so awesome and in such a huge niche and you're dominating many keywords, long tails and synonyms for your niche then you don't have to even think about what backlinks to build without Google Penalty.

Honestly that's the best answer to give you because you need to change the way you think. I see many people build a simple 3 page site or landing page then wonder how they can get great rankings with just backlinks alone while trying to stay under the radar or game the system even. While its no myth by now that just several good backlinks from good places can be enough in some cases and other sites might need just a little more SEO'ng to get them ranking a little more higher but all this time and money spent is much better invested in acquiring those few links that will really help you.

But for now you need to think big and think social!

You need to create a home on all Social Networking sites, Web 2.0 blogs etc

Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Flickr, Diqus, Reddit, etc

Tinder, Vine, Snapchat, Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr etc

You can find more with sites like and this is why these sites were made.

If you want it you have to reach out and grab it.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
No offense, but telling him to "go social" while having zero idea of what his site is about is kind of foolish. Not every market flourishes in the social media space.

And honestly, I would not waste one bit of time on Google+ these days. Google has all but pulled the plug on that failed experiment.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
To the OP, it really depends on your niche.

Some general things you can do though in just about any niche that should work fine:

1) Paid directories (both general business directories and directories specific to your niche).
2) Outreach.
3) Build the type of sites you would want to get links off of. Then link off of them.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2015
I digress. I was just offering the OP some help you have only picked at mine and not even offered your own because you was so quick to march in with your size 9's you forgot to tie your laces. No offence.

Foolish? Foolish would be doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results. Or is that the definition of insanity?

It shouldn't matter what his/her site is about to experiment with social media. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Better to try and know than to not know and not try. Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

No doubt if we shake a bit of common logic by reason OP is probably an IM or Affiliate Marketer so chances are pretty good he/her runs a site in some niche which has a market.

Therefore chances are good that OP could perchance find some new clients or exposure at the least on those social networks anyway.

And honestly, that is just your opinion, an self-created one as well. You don't work at Google SEOPub, you don't know what Google has planed with Google Plus and many people will also say that its not going anywhere soon. There are probably a good few IM's here that use it to poach clients and sales with it and even use it in other ways lucratively or as a educational tool too. There's more than one way to skin a grape mate.

It's just a social network like any other and my point was to use them all and try to find clients on them in some way or another. It doesn't happen overnight and there's a lot of lessons to be learned. Sometimes some lessons are repeated many times but there's also more people willing to share those lessons learned with you now so you don't have to make the same mistakes as they did!

Unfortunately most people these days don't want to learn first and think they can do it overnight or in a few days/weeks but in most cases in real life it just don't work like that.

All the best! :)


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
If you followed Google at all, you probably would feel the same way I do about Google+. Google+ failed to catch hold with people. The only reason people were signing up to it is because for a long time Google was forcing people to have a Google+ account with any Google property account.

They fired the person in charge of Google+. They moved and reassigned just about everyone that was working with Google+ to other divisions. The only thing they are really making an effort to hang on to with it is Hangouts. When questioned about it, their top people give noncommittal answers about the future of Google+.

It just never grew the way they envisioned it. It was basically a clone of Facebook. Everyone already has Facebook. There was no real incentive to change to something that was more or less exactly the same, even if you want to argue that it was better.

It largely failed to grow because they failed to attract women. I saw a stat one time that something like 79% of the active users of Google+ (the few that they have) were men. Men will go where the women are.

It will go the way of Google Wave, Orkut, Dodgeball, and Jaiku.

Google is absolutely great at a lot of things, but they suck at social networks.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
It shouldn't matter what his/her site is about to experiment with social media. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Better to try and know than to not know and not try. Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
It really DOES matter what his site is about. If he is a dentist, and choosing between SEO or social media marketing, I would go with SEO all day long. If I have a toothache, I'm not going to Facebook to find someone that can help. I am going to look for a dentist in Google (if I don't have one already), and I am either going to find him or I am going to find competitors.

If he is a lawyer, same thing. When someone is in trouble with the law and needs a lawyer, they are not going to search Twitter. They are going to Google.

I could go on with tons of examples where social media is fine for branding, but largely a waste of time for attracting new clients.

Now if he is a bar owner, the opposite would probably be true. I would not put much of any effort into SEO, other than to make sure I am found if someone specifically searches for my bar name, and I would put all of my effort into Facebook and Twitter marketing.

No doubt if we shake a bit of common logic by reason OP is probably an IM or Affiliate Marketer so chances are pretty good he/her runs a site in some niche which has a market.
Maybe. Maybe not. There are plenty of brick and mortar type business owners that go to forums like this to ask questions.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2015
By the way, OP is definitely an Affiliate Marketer. One only needs look at some of his last posts on using Clickbank to see that.
It really DOES matter what his site is about.
Again I digress, I agree with what you're saying but every site on the Internet is different even if the site is about the exact same thing. Most small sites want to use places like Google+ as a face for their business regardless to whether they gain clients from them or not. Regardless if they will stop supporting it or not. It's not always a black and white thing online mate.


Active member
May 18, 2013
To the OP, it really depends on your niche.

Some general things you can do though in just about any niche that should work fine:

1) Paid directories (both general business directories and directories specific to your niche).
2) Outreach.
3) Build the type of sites you would want to get links off of. Then link off of them.
I was advised not use directories, I am not sure Paid directories can give me valuable links and without getting penalized from Google?
What is Outreach?
Are you wanting to mention to a marketing or SEO tool?
3) Build the type of sites you would want to get links off of. Then link off of them.
I agree with your idea.
By the way, OP is definitely an Affiliate Marketer. One only needs look at some of his last posts on using Clickbank to see that. Again I digress, I agree with what you're saying but every site on the Internet is different even if the site is about the exact same thing. Most small sites want to use places like Google+ as a face for their business regardless to whether they gain clients from them or not. Regardless if they will stop supporting it or not. It's not always a black and white thing online mate.
Thanks Guys for awesome info, It was a common question, I wanted to build links that works in different niches.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2015
Directories are fine. You want to use moderated directories. Paid ones tend to keep out the trash. You still want to screen them and not just use any old paid directory, but I have ranked webpages for fairly competitive terms with nothing but directories before.

Stay away from the auto-approve junk directories.

Outreach means contacting other webmasters and buying, begging, or bartering with them for links.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2015
Hello everyone,
Can you guys tell me how to get more organic traffic by building links without Google Penalty? Is there any good way to do so?
Your suggestions are highly appreciated!
If you are primarily interested in ranking high in Google, then don't think about how you can get lots of links safely. Instead think about how you can get just a handful of really powerful links and where those links would need to come from. And don't waste your time on social media if you want rankings. It is a complete waste of time unless you are honestly trying to go pure white hat and using social media to try to get in front of the right people in order to attract natural links from sites where it will matter. That is a legit approach, but it is also among the most difficult of all approaches to getting links that will boost your rankings. It is way harder than most other approaches.

And like SEOPub said, directories are fine as long as you are sticking with well moderated ones that don't allow spam. Most directory links are completely juiceless. A very small percentage of directory links are very powerful though, like certain pages on DMOZ for example and some of the other most authoritative directories. Get in those directories if you can. Yes it is worth it.


New member
Jan 11, 2016
Hello everyone,
Can you guys tell me how to get more organic traffic by building links without Google Penalty? Is there any good way to do so?
Your suggestions are highly appreciated!
For organic traffic you can take the help of "Content". So write high quality content, Keep updating your blog page with the latest news related to your niche.

Contribute your content to high authority websites

You can also take the help of bookmarking

Business listing is also the option.
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