How to make your first sale with affiliate marketing


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
How to make your first sale with affiliate marketing.jpg

First of all, let me ask you something.

Are you already making money with affiliate marketing?

If you are not, then please keep reading. I will share with you how to properly make money with affiliate marketing and for that, I will explain what you need to do and how (this is for a long-term, do the work once and make money for a long time).

Quick disclaimer, though. This is NOT a push button strategy kind of scheme, it requires HARD-WORK and if you do it right, I can guarantee you'll make some money with these methods (potentially tons if done right and don't stop).

Ok, now that you know this is REAL and hopefully you are ready to get started, let's get right to it.

#1 Content Marketing
Content marketing isn't what most believe it is, which is writing a blog post and instantly making the dough...

Some of the excuses I hear when people try this are:
"I created the blog post and even shared it on social media! But, it didn't work!"

Let me tell you something, writing a crappy blog post and spamming your link on social media will get you nowhere.

"Blogging is a waste of time, can't I do something else?"

This usually means to push a button and done, millions coming out.

I hear many other excuses, but I'll not get into that or I will write and write about unimportant stuff.

Here's what content marketing really is:
Content marketing is creating a stupidly good piece of content, that solves an issue or removes some sort of pain people might have through marketing.

Here's what I mean:
When you create a piece of content that really helps people (no matter what it is), you need to market it, that way you'll get the readers with that particular issue to find it and help them solve it.

Now, let me tell you an incredible strategy that helps you create stupidly good articles.

I call this "automated creation". The reason behind this is that you'll use existing content in order to create your new piece (and no, I don't mean you copy and pasting content from other sites).

Here's a short list of the articles you can create in order to make money:
Product reviews.
Reviewing products the right way. That means throughout research:

  • Good and bad.
  • How it can help them.
  • What it will do for them.
  • How fast it will solve their problem (depending on the product).

How to's.
You can create "how to" articles that include your product as a way to solve their pain point.

Example: If I'm creating a "How to lose 10 pounds in 10 days" I could promote various objects in that article like:

  • Weights.
  • Milkshakes.
  • Carpet thing (Yoga type for exercising, forgot the name lol).
  • etc.

Always promote stuff that will help them, don't go promoting just for the sake of promoting.

I will only share 2 with you right now or I will end up with a 2,000-word article...

And that would be way too long.

  1. Find a product you believe in and want to promote (preferably one you've tried before).
  2. Once you've selected your product, choose one of the type's of content listed above.

Ok, now I will tell you how to create your marvelous piece of content that will make you money.

Go to good old Google and type in their search bar:
"product name" + review
How to + "search term"

Using the example before mentioned it would be:
how to + "lose 10 pounds in 10 days"

Now open the first 10 search results for every query and READ THEM. A pain in the ass I know but do it, it's necessary.

What you will do now is create a piece of content that is so good, it deserves to be on page 1 of Google.

See what those 10 results are sharing and create a huge post that includes most of the things you can find in those pages.

Be clear when creating the post and write short paragraphs (this way it will be easier to read).

I've found that the best performing pieces of content are between 1,500 to 2,000 words.

Cool, Now we need to promote that content. Here's how:

Guest Posting

Yes, the best way to do it is with guest posting.

Do you know why most people fail in driving traffic?
Ans: Because, they try to create a new source of traffic instead of using sites where the traffic already is.

That's why YouTube and other blogs are the best way to drive traffic (direct traffic).

Find blogs where to guest post and offer to write for them. Create great quality content just like you created yours and share it on their blog (don't forget to mention your post on the guest post).

Here's how you find the high-quality blogs to guest post.

Search query:
your keyword" + "guest post"
keyword + "write for us"
niche + "guest post"
Keyword + "guest post wanted"

You'll get many search results, find the ones that could potentially accept you to guest post and create a list of 50 (preferably).

Make sure to list only blogs that allow you to link from the content and not the profile page.

Contact them using the following template:

Hi (name),

I'm a long time reader. You may have noticed my comment on your post on X (awesome article by the way).

I'm writing to you because I'd love to contribute a guest post to

I've been brainstorming some topics that I think your readers would get a ton of value from:

-Idea #1

-Idea #2

-Idea #3

I'll make sure the piece overflows with information that can't be found anywhere else.

To give you an idea of the quality I'll bring to your site, here's a link to a guests post that I recently published on


[Your name]

Special thanks to Brian Dean for the awesome email outreach pitch.

And done! they answer back and hopefully you start writing for them.

To have great results, it takes on average 20 guest posts (I've made a minimum of $2,000 with this method in the first month).
And around two weeks to complete.

#2 Tumblr Marketing
I know this post is already long enough (it's passed 1,000 words now), so I won't share that much about it here. I've already written about it on my blog a while back, here's the massive Tumblr guide.

Hopefully, this post has been of help to you and you start taking action!

Seriously, if you don't take action, you won't make money at all.

Now, just a quick question.

Are you already making money?
if you are, please let me know in the comments below, it'd be nice to hear from you what you've done in order to make money online.

Have an amazing day!

Jonathan Nuñez


Nov 1, 2015
Tumblr is a good blogging platform that suitable for affiliate marketing. I'm running a few tumblr blogs at this moment, but didn't get much sales yet.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
Well, it really depends on the niche.

For example:
Niches like video games, anime, pot, adult entertainment and animal related niches. Tend to perform the best over there.

Also, find offers that can be promoted through images or preferably .gif (.gif are the top performing content on Tumblr and are reblogged 455% more often than images).


Dec 12, 2015
I got banned by Tumblr. I have asked the reason and they said affiliate marketing is not allowed in Tumblr.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
Would you mind sharing what were you doing? (exactly what you did, please).

I've never been banned from Tumblr before. But, what you need to do is use Tumblr as the blogging platform that it is, note, reblog often and do affiliate marketing from time to time (don't make all your posts about it and pay very close attention to how you ask people to click your link).

Also, never share your link with the link option, use images and describe what they can find on the other side of the link (preferably gifs if possible).

I hope this helps you, if you need more help please let me know.



Well-known member
Nov 19, 2015
If you plan on promoting a digital product (one that can be downloaded as appose to a physical one), you can many times contact the product creator and ask for what we call "review access" a.k.a. for free. All you have to do is write to them via the affiliate e-mail (will find it on the JV page). Tell them that you're creating a site to promote their product. 9 times out of 10, they will respond and give you access. Actually taking a look inside the product will give you unique insight that marketers who have just read the sales page don't have, which means you will be more easily able to write content and come across as way more believable. Plus, people are less likely to refund something if they know what they are getting upfront.


Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
Good idea Jonathan. Just on Amazon alone, there are SO many products. One person would never run out of products to review. Another thing with Amazon too, is to read the comments and reviews by customers, can give you all kinds of ideas to write into the review.

And it probably wouldn't be that difficult to find low competition products in the search engines.


Mar 15, 2015
Email marketing should be your #1 priority so that you are actually building your business and can sell your leads over and over again.

Not the one off stuff of sending your leads to all the affiliate programs that you are promoting.

Collect the leads first.

Awesome tips though good job on it.
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