Hey there,
Cool post! So when I first started my coaching program a long time ago.. I had a series of autoresponder emails setup and ready to go when they subscribed. My niche was "Internet Marketing" so I would simply go to places that new beginners starting out in this space would flock to (usually forums/discussion groups) and I would send them a private message offering to coach them completely for free.
I would do this to get testimonials as well as I would only ask when the time comes to setup their squeeze page and get the autoresponder that when they signup it would be through my affiliate links so the company can pay me a commission for the sale. It didn't cost them anything extra so 99% of people accepted (I don't think anyone didn't accept).
So when they would signup for the hosting I would make $50 every signup that scales to a possible $125/signup if I get 21+ signups. Also in addition to that when they pay for the signup of the autoresponder I make 30% which is roughly $5/person with an email list under 500 people. It gets more when their list gets bigger (I still make commissions from that btw

That's how I started and it worked very well!
Then I went to later on automate that through automated emails of steps they need to take everyday and when they needed to signup for something I would put the affiliate links in the autoresponder.
Once again, Cool post!
Interested in hearing about others stories as well!
Hope maybe a beginner found this insightful
Take care, Adam