On Page SEO Techniques 2015


Staff Member
Sep 28, 2012
How to do SEO Onpage for your website is actually very easy if you've got knowledge before. You can control techniques because it's Onpage” so you can apply without getting any problems. Unlike the Off page optimization, even if you already have the knowledge the execution will still be difficult because it didn't belong to factors on your site.

What it On Page SEO?
SEO Off Page or SEO On Page is a term in SEO , which refers to everything that you do on the components of a webpage. The main objective of this optimization is to improve the on-page SEO factors that search engines get the correct keyword you want to target on a webpage.

Why this optimization to be done? So that the search engines are not confused when they visit your website. It will know which is most important components (metag tags, heading tags..) or which needs to follow like links, keyword density..etc

This factors will be determined by Google, now you will want to know so what are the factors in on-page SEO

Factors In SEO Onpage Optimization
Consider the following .... this is onpage optimization factors are commonly used:
• Title tag
• Meta Description
• Title Page <h1>
• Article Title <h2>
• Sub Title In article <h3>
• Print bold / italics <b> or <i>
• If there is an image, then there must be the alt attribute
Now you understand this. If a word is not setting none of the above attributes, then said it was not important. If a word is setting from 1-3 above attributes, then said it must be important. If a word appears in all of the above attributes, then surely that is the most important word in the page as it is.

So I will try to discuss this issue in the second part of onpage optimization. Before we begin, please go to the web page that you would analysis it .... If it was openned, press CTRL + U to open the source code of the web page. Here's we go:

Meta Title Tag
It is only in the <head>, and the tag is <title> The contents of the title tag </ title>
The important thing is what can you fill in the title of this tag. Please be careful in filling the title tag, since many SEO practitioners who consider that the title tag is the most important on-page attributes.
The best way to fill the title tag is to use key words and no longer than 65 characters. You need to know that getting in front of it, then the point will be very high. So the format of the title tag should be:
• Article Title
• Article Title Your Website Name.

But avoid structure Your Website Name: Article Title.... Unless you've got a blog exorbitant reputation, it can not just up.

Meta Description
It is second important thing in your meta tage. The meta description should pay attention to a few things, namely:
• Maximum length of 150 characters.
• Not repeat a word more than twice
• Of course it contains the keywords targeted in the early parts ....
If you are confused issue title tag and meta description, you can see our forum title and description for more example:

<title>Webmaster Sun - The Largest Internet Marketing Forum & Marketplace</title>
<meta name="description" content="The largest internet marketing forum for internet marketers, SEO specialists, webmasters, affiliates and a marketplace to buy and sell services." />

URL Structure
The good URL should contain the domain / category / sub-caegory / article-title. An example is shown below:


So each section clearly contains obvious keywords. Unfortunately there are still many people who wasted the URL and create URLs include IDs and parameters (&%+)

http://www.webmastersun.com / viewcat.php?id=5879124542111&name=hakjrukk

As above URL didn't not contain the keywords, and really wasted an important attribute in onpage SEO factors.

Main Keyword in Title of Page <h1>
The title page of course, attempted to contain the keywords that you are targeting, because no matter what <h1> should contain the most important words on the page. The importance of <h1> very large in onpage techniques of a webpage.

Article Title <h2>
The title of our article h2 tag. Someone asked whether the value onpage not excessive if the title of the same article with the title page? Of course not, because the page title h1, and h2 title of the article. So although the content is the same, but for each heading appearance only once, after all this time the application is absolutely no problem.

Sub Title in the Article <h3>
It can be regarded as complementary but in many cases is a very good addition to strengthening on-page. So there is no harm in making a sub-sub-headings in the discussion to emphasize the relevance of civil discussion.

Bold / Italic Text
Using bold or italic is also very important in onpage optimization. But it does not need all of them, just the appearance of the first course in bold or italics. If too much can also interfere with the readers of these pages.

Alt Tag
Because Google and others have not been able to identify the image, then the best way to tell Google what the content of the image is to use alt tags. It includes one of onpage techniques, because the main purpose of a web page is to provide the most relevant information to the reader, and sometimes it can be a picture information

Complementary SEO Onpage Optimization
If all the above onpage SEO optimization you have done, then there are a few more enhancements that you can do for your websites
• Make sure your content is unique
• Also make sure there is a link to the keywords in webpage content.
• Surely there must be a link to the homepage of the blog in breadum
• There is an area (called related post) that can be friendly with by search engines.

Ok, I mentioned to the most factors in Onpage SEO I'm not sure it's got full factors but it's enough to get a better page for SEO.

I'm looking forward to heard your ideas on On-page SEO... ??
Sharing with me is sharing yourself!!!! :eek:hmy:


Dec 30, 2014
You have written a nice informative piece. However, there are some things that I would like to point out:

Title - it is best to keep your title within 50-60 characters and try to keep your keywords at the beginning

Description - the maximum character length for meta description is 160 and not 150.

H1 tag - there is a confusion regarding the number of H1 tags allowed in a page. It is considered spam if you use more than 1 H1 tags. But nowadays, with HTML 5 websites, it is supposed that you can use more than 1 H1 tags.


Staff Member
Sep 28, 2012
Could you give the additional information why you would keep 50-60 and 160 characters for title and description tag?
what are the reasons?


Dec 30, 2014
Tommy, the ideal character length for a title is within 55 (it would be better if it is within the range 45-55). If this is maintained then the whole of the title would be visible within the 512 pixel display of the title bar.

Regarding the description it is better to keep within the 160 character limit or else Google will now show the rest of the description. Instead it would show something like "..."

Hence, it would be better to put your keywords towards the front of the title as well as the description (there is no need to keep the keywords sequentially) so that they would get highlighted in the SERP.

As an example, type any keyword and search it. From the results copy the description from the first or second results and paste them into a word document. Check the character count and you will see for yourself.
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