Difficult as it may be but, do
NOT overthink your Youtube analytics if you're still at the process of starting up.
Successful Youtubers/influencers began exactly where you are right now.
If you've seen their channel and content grow throughout time amidst the thousands of people who does the same as they do, you'll notice that they all have the same trait- and that my friend is, PASSION.
That's why they are on top of their game and has remained relevant through out time.
If you have the passion at what you do, everything will come flowing easier. Keep posting what you love, and along the way you'll see that you will attract an audience who appreciates you and will keep coming back for more.
You don't need the most expensive equipment at the beginning. As long as your content is understood you are good to go.
I would like to commend you for reaching 300 subscribers. That's a big step! You've posted this December of last year, and I hope you've gained more.
In marketing there is a saying that it's harder to keep customers, than to gain one.
Don't forget to engage yourself in your subscribers. Talk to them, let them feel that you want to know what they think about your content. You can ask for their honest opinion and make sure that you prepare yourself for the not so good ones. Thank those who appreciated and admired your content and tak constructive criticisms lightly but seriously. After all, they are meant to give you an insight of ways on how you can provide better content for them.
Once your audience feel the vibe of your passion they will admire and support you. Again, in marketing, "the best advertisement is of a happy customer's word of mouth". This saves you the energy and resources of having to manually put your content and yourself out there in the market. Little did you know, your audience will start growing in tremendous volume.
Basically those are just the
core essentials of what you need to start with if you want your channel to grow.
A lot of key factors still remain like
catchy title that will make them click
-An intriguing thumbnail relevant to your content (avoid click baits as much as possible)
-An entertaining content
-A straight to the point information
-and of course, the vibe that you are trustworthy.
I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you. I know that along the way you'll learn them on your own anyway.
I hope to see your videos one day and I'll make sure I'll hit that like, subscribe button, and the bell button to keep me updated once you've posted new videos!