I am on Hubpages, I have over 200 hundreds articles on Hubpages. I had more articles published on Hubpages, however, I took them down because they were not getting any traffic. I was publishing on hubpages before I knew about SEO. Some of these articles, which were published prior to my knowledge of SEO, are generating good traffic. Whereas some of my articles published after I attended 6 months SEO course are not doing well. Why is that so?
My articles published prior to my SEO knowledge are doing good because they were written for humans (I did not know about SEO), where as when I wrote articles after my SEO knowledge was too much conscious about SEO. The first thing you should know about online writing is always write for people.
Secondly, the reason why my articles written prior to my SEO knowledge are performing well is because I was passionate about the topics. Some articles are not performing well despite doing SEO is because they were written out of compulsion (the topic gets good number of hits on google).