Hello Steiteh,
With any business, you want to start small and work your way out. Creating a web host is not an easy task which you click three buttons and you're done. You got to look around at your competitors. And, look at their services, prices and how they're advertising or displaying it.
If I were to start my own web hosting right now, I'd think about the name. What should I call my hosting company? And why should call it that? Then you will have to think about your budget. If you are a person who has a lot of money and wants to put a lot of money into this, you should start with a VPS, or if you don't have a big budget then go with a reseller. And once you fill up your reseller or VPS and you see that you're making a profit off of it, buy another. Then when that fills up consider getting a dedicated server or if you went with a reseller go to the VPS. And at first you won't need a huge staff team but as you get bigger you'll need some.
What would I use? I've tried
Interworx, and I can't say that I'm a fan of it. But, I prefer
cPanel because it has a better UI (User Interface). With me, I like to make sure that I'm always using the newest up-to-date software and technology. But, careful not to go into Alphas or Betas they can provide a security risk for your customers. When starting of Security should be a top priority, with Security customers will be at ease knowing that you are doing everything in your power to ensure their protection.
When thinking about packages you should take the following into consideration; price, specs, and demand. Look at your competitors and see where their prices are and price your packages around them. Specs, always compare specs with your competitors, this company has a 5 GB web hosting plan with 5 GB bandwidth and has 5 emails, 5 databases but doesn't have shell access and it's 10.95 (Random number) you want to offer something the same and or with more features but perhaps at a lower price but can still be profitable. Next, demand look around at the current trends what are customers looking for?
With cPanel (WHM) & Interworx, it provides a DNS setup tool.
(Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'd like someone else's opinion too!
