The best way to make money with your blog


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
The best way to make money with your blog.jpg

Do you want to know how to make money blogging?
If you do, then you are not alone, many people are starting to realize that blogging is an incredible way to share your thoughts, grow an audience and make a profit by giving your opinion. However, this is easier said than done, it involves learning about internet marketing and depending on the niche, could end up being too much to handle without proper guidance.

Let me tell you a little bit more about this.

When people come online, the first thing they usually read is about social media marketing, how easy it is to make money that way, and I agree with that statement, but it's incomplete and without the rest, the majority of people go to social media platforms and do it wrong, spamming all over the place, not getting a single sale and end up quitting saying that it doesn't work and that it is all a scam.

If you want to use social media for business, you need to make people trust you by interacting with your brand and this is something most people ignore.

A little while ago, I wrote a post here about the proper use of social media, you can find it here:

Anyway, getting back on topic.

In 2016, things will be a little bit different, actually, it already is different.
It's all about content marketing and leveraging your content in order to get more backlinks, traffic, leads and ultimately sales.

The first thing you should know is that blogging isn't easy, you need a lot of patience. That's the main reason many if not most people make no money whatsoever and then they quit saying something like "it's impossible to make money blogging".

How to make money blogging

As I've said earlier blogging requires patience and great copy, don't expect to make money for the simple fact of writing. You should create awesome content that will help people with whatever it is they want to know and then you simply refer them to the place where they can buy what they need.

Now, you might be wondering why you need to be patient and the answer is simple:

The competition

There are millions of blogs and bloggers on the web writing every single day.

Ok cool, but how can I be on top of them?

Blogging in 2016 is all about content marketing, you have to market your content and have a plan in place, you don't have room for any blogging mistakes like the one most people make:

Writing and expecting the hoards of visitors to come and read your content

Just think of the blogging ratio, millions of blogs are out there and only thousands of them make money (enough to make a living out of it). What's the reason?

Step by step guide to making money blogging

Start a blog on WordPress.
Why WordPress?
WordPress gives you full control over your blog and you'll own the blog. Unlike with the rest of the blogs on subdomains.
Also, make sure to host your own blog, don't use the website.

What do you need to start your blog?
Hosting (get a cheap one from Bluehost or somewhere like that, as you grow you'll want to change to a dedicated server. I recommend FlyWheel).
Domain name (should be unique, should describe your brand and what you will blog about and make it as short as possible).

Write articles that can help people.
How do I do that?
People are super interested in:

  • Do it yourself type of articles, they share them like crazy.
  • How to guides.
  • Cheat sheets.
  • Remember, getting your blog out there will not get you visitors, you have to earn them.

Before you start writing make sure to research the topic (an in-depth research), and create an article that actually deserves to be read and shared. Writing crappy content is another reason most blogs fail.

Build rapport (a relationship) with your audience.
A good relationship can give you long term benefits and you make new friends in the process. All of this can be done by being active on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Go to the link I shared in the beginning of the article for more information on this.

Another popular way to build a relationship with potential visitors is by commenting on blogs (other than yours), just make sure to provide great insight to what has been shared and provide value. This way you can reach out to a new audience that can be found on your competitors website. With a valid comment, you can gain visitors attraction towards you, hence earning visitors to your blog.

But, the single best way for you to get noticed is guest blogging.

When you guest post make sure to provide incredible content and ONLY submit that content to one blog (as if you were writing for your own blog), don't go submitting it to countless blogs and don't go spinning the content. This is stupidly important!

Grow your blog
As you grow, you'll want to cover more topics on your niche. Just make sure to make them appealing to people and don't go sharing old content that's no longer valid (imagine reading a news article from 3 years ago, being published today...).

Ok cool, but how do I make the money?
I'll share with you 5 ways:

  1. Advertising (selling ads on the blog to a third party, like the ones you can find on the forum :)).
  2. Affiliate Marketing.
  3. Product selling (selling your own products or white labeling).
  4. Selling services (your services or referring people to someone else's services).
  5. Email marketing (build your list as you grow).

I wrote an article a short while ago about making money online, you can read it here:

That's it!
There are many ways to make money, but that's how you make huge money from blogs. It will take some time but if you are patient, share great content and promote it, you'll make it.

Do you know more ways to make money with your blog?
Let me know in the comments below =)


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2015
Real nice article with some great information. I've seen too many people think that making money from blogging is easy. When they realize that it actually takes work, they give up and are convinced that making money from blogging is some kind of myth.

People don't realize that nothing is going to come easy and that they have to be patient and do things properly and then they will start making money blogging.

Anyway, good article that I think many people can benefit from reading.

Thanks for sharing this with us. :)


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
Unfortunately, most people want the get rich quick scheme instead of the honest, hardworking way. Which is why most people never make money online.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2015
Absolutely correct! Everyone wants to make tons of money without doing the work that it takes to make it.

I see people all the time that will buy a domain and slap up a cheap looking blog site with thin and basically useless articles, then fill it with affiliate ads to sell whatever and then they are surprised when they don't make money. Good useful and informative articles is a real good way to keep people on your site longer, have them return, get them to subscribe to your newsletter and even bookmark your site for future reference.

They don't stop to think that if it was as easy as slapping a couple of useless posts on a blog site, then everyone would be doing it. I always tell people that if they want to make a a full time jobs wages and make a living from blogging then they have to treat it like a full time job and put in the time required to achieve those goals.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2013
Here are my ways to make money from blogs
- Publish Posts and Reviews for Pay
- Ask for Donations
- Text Link Ads
- Product Reviews
- Selling Services (Hire Me)
- Membership Site
- Private Forums
- Sell Your Custom Template or Theme
- Auction Your Website

  1. Advertising (selling ads on the blog to a third party, like the ones you can find on the forum :)).
  2. Affiliate Marketing.
  3. Product selling (selling your own products or white labeling).
  4. Selling services (your services or referring people to someone else's services).
  5. Email marketing (build your list as you grow).
Selling ads on blogs are one of popular ways to make money from blog.
And almost IMers are doing Email marketing to offer their products to their subscribers. It's way to go!

Affiliate Marketing.
Product selling (selling your own products or white labeling).
I could not quite understand which you are meaning on these ways...How to include affiliates or selling products from your blog in a valid way.
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