
  1. akshaychouhan785

    Blogger or Wordpress! Which blogging platform should I use?

    I have been using wordpress free account for about 1 year and I am pretty satisfied with the service but now i'm thinking of buy a premium domain for earning through my blog. Please tell me which platform will be good for that purpose!
  2. hannyyah17

    What is WORDPRESS exactly?

    I am really curious about wordpress. All I know about this site is that it makes blogs or website with much easier ways. Is it as good as the manual way of making a website? How convenient is it? Is it worth the try? And does it actually works? How I use it? Is it free? Sorry for having so many...
  3. DaRecordon

    Centos or Ubuntu for Wordpress?

    Normally I install Wordpress on a VPS that used Centos but I heard that Ubuntu is also a good choice. I am confusing about this. Do you guys advise me which is better for Wordpress, Centos or Ubuntu?
  4. Maliaca22

    Which is the best and easy to understand between HTML site and WordPress?

  5. Chris Worner

    Whats the minimum ram required for running wordpress on a VPS hosting server?

    I run a Wordpress site and it has an eCommerce plugin and to run this, it requires to increase RAM for Wordpress but I am not sure how much should I increase. Whats the minimum ram required for running Wordpress on a VPS hosting server? Do you guys know about this?
  6. P

    Is Cloudflare a must for every wordpress blog?

    Hi all, So I recently set up a blog on Wordpress and I notice that Cloudflare is quite popular. Though when I had it configured none of my website posts would load as fast as before. It's so slow that its not even worth using. But I am just wondering what you all think?, should I keep...
  7. Petershene

    Can wordpress speed compete with a regular website of the same content?

    As my question suggests , i am a web developer most of the sites i design are not on content management systems like WordPress and if i do need to use it il migrate only one or two pages that need to be interactive , as a theme. However recently i did my full on first WordPress website on xampp...
  8. Cherin

    Managed WordPress Hosting with 65% Off

    Cherin submitted a new resource: Managed WordPress Hosting with 65% Off - Managed WordPress Hosting with 65% Off Read more about this resource...
  9. vinaya

    Wordpress username

    When I created my wordpress blog, I used my first name as the username. In use wordfence security plugin on my wordpress blog. This plugin notifies when someone tries to log into the admin panel. Since my name is visible in the website, I always see somone trying to log into my website. I want...
  10. vinaya

    Wordpress Hosting

    I use shared hosting for my WordPress websites. Recently, my web host launched managed WordPress hosting. Currently, I pay $78 per year to host 10 websites. Wordpress managed hosting has been priced as $36 per year for one wordpress website. Can you tell me the difference between shared hosting...
  11. vinaya

    Wordpress theme: free or premium

    I have a couple of wordpress sites however, I have never used a premim themes. I am not using premium themes because I don't have a budget for that. Even if I had budget, I would not buy a premium theme because the price I have to pay to premium themes can be used to promote the site instead. By...
  12. vinaya

    Wordpress for ecommerce site

    We can use wordpress for an ecommece site. In order to do that we will have to use ecommerce plugins like woocommerce. Sadly, webmasters do not ho with wordpress for ecommerce site. they say wordpress cannot handle big trafic. If you are planning to launch a lite lile ebay or Amazon with...
  13. gifthoy

    the difference between shared & managed WordPress hosting

    Hello I have used shared hosting before on my first blog but didn't understand how it goes but right now have some ideas about it that with that you can host some other domains on it... But what am confused about right now is the "Managed WordPress hosting" I don't really understand it at...
  14. lingfart

    Hosting with managed WordPress vs Regular Hosting?

    Recently, there has been an increase in hosting companies offering managed WordPress packages. This service states that the company would perform all of the following: Optimizations Maintenance Updates All you have to do is take care of the design and content. They also claim that the...
  15. Moneyman

    How much should you spend on Wordpress themes?

    I wonder what people are willing to pay for Wordpress themes nowadays, seeing that it is getting more and more popular by the day. A lot of themes on Themeforest cost quite a hefty amount such as 30$ or more, and I wonder if people are actually willing to spend that much if they are just...
  16. djsmiley2k

    Can I connect to database on another server for my Wordpress blog?

    Hi there, I am wondering if I can host my Wordpress database (MySQL) in another server which is not the server storing the content (source code, Wodpress files, plugins, themes...etc) Will that make any performance and security improvement? Is there any service specialized in hosting only...
  17. DaRecordon

    How to change page id in Wordpress?

    I want to change my page id in my wordpress blog? how can I do that? for example, my WP page id is: example.com/?p=62 but i want to change example.com/?p=156 because I tried to check with page id that equals 156 but there is no page there and I can use this id, to be honest, I am using a code...
  18. Cheerag Nundlall

    How to use Wordpress without hosting?

    Hello everybody, I am still new to web hosting and still learning it. I have a question is, how to use Wordpress without hosting? I know every website needs a web hosting to run but in this case then how? can you guys explain or share me detailed tips if possible. Your help would be appreciated.
  19. Januar

    Do You have a Forum/Discussion Session on your Wordpress Blog?

    Hello, you might have a forum session on your Wordpress blog. The question is, which forum machine you are using and can you connect it to your WordPress blog? I think to connect the forum machine with the Wordpress blog is an important thing if you enable comment system on your blog' content...
  20. lingfart

    How many tags do you put in a WordPress post?

    In every WordPress post, there is a blank box provided for us to input tags. I'm wondering if there are unwritten rules when it comes to inputting tags for a WordPress post. Like for instance, when you are writing an article, I have read that the keywords that you put in the article should not...