What is cloud hosting?


New member
Oct 31, 2017
Cloud hosting is basically virtual servers that pull their computing resource from extensive underlying networks of physical web servers. Cloud hosting, like Amazon EC2 and Google compute engine, has dedicated servers. If you want to manage cloud servers you need to hire a team of sysadmin. Another way to do it is by using managed services where you hire a service provider or use a tool that manages your servers for you. I have been using such service for hosting PHP and MySQL website on cloud.


Active member
Jun 19, 2018
Its easy terms, Cloud hosting means, all services are hosted in the group of servers and sometime multi-location to avoid service outage. In case of any problem with the server, the services are moved to other servers in the very Cloud.

The main advantages of Cloud hosting:
  • High availability
  • Easy to scale server resources
  • It costs less compared to dedicated hardware
  • Immediate setup and migration


Well-known member
Hosting Provider
Jul 27, 2016
@Unisecure Your signature advertises "Cloud Hosting Servers". If you really don't know what cloud hosting is ,why do you claim to provide cloud services? Who will buy from you a service, you don't understand?

If you are not newbie and if you know what Cloud Hosting is, why do you SPAM the forums by creating threads of extremely poor quality?

This question has been asked and answered a number of times in this forum. Plus there is Wikipedia and a number of reference websites. It is much better to go educated yourself there, than creating following the forums with meaningless threads.

PS: Don't get me wrong, I like answering your question, but then it will be another one and then a new one of the same kind. It is much better to have meaningful conversations here, rather then repression one and the same things as a group of people with mental disabilities.

Dr. McKay

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2016
Dr. McKay
@@Unisecure Your signature advertises "Cloud Hosting Servers". If you really don't know what cloud hosting is ,why do you claim to provide cloud services? Who will buy from you a service, you don't understand?
I think he asks this to get extra information about cloud hosting and see if someone is having better knowledge than him about cloud hosting or not.
Some people still ask what they knew because they want to be sure that their definition about something is right, just wanted to confirmations from others.

Chris Worner

Well-known member
Apr 15, 2016
Best answer
Hey @Unisecure,

Cloud hosting or server in the cloud is a type of web hosting that uses multiple different servers to balance the load and maximize uptime. Instead of using a single server, the website can access a "cluster" that uses resources from a centralized group. This means that even if one server fails, another is activated to keep everything running.

Think of the cloud as a network of different computers that are all interconnected. As more machines are hooked to that network, more resources are added to the cloud in general.

With Cloud hosting you get a part of the so-called cluster in the cloud. Unlike traditional web hosting, where you get a certain amount of space on a single server.

The main benefits of Cloud hosting include a greater emphasis on uptime, isolated resources, ease of scale growth, and a dedicated IP address.

The architecture of Cloud hosting
The architecture of the Cloud hosting is different from the structure used in the usual web hosting:

Most shared servers use a centralized approach where a server has several websites. But if that server fails, all the accounts within it also fail.
On the other hand, the distributed approach of Cloud hosting solves this problem. Since each website is "distributed" in several locations, there will be no downtime in case one of the servers in the cluster has a problem.
Large websites, such as search engines and social networks, use the distributed approach, since no server can handle such a load on its own. Large projects like these build their own Cloud hosting architecture or hire the resources of a Cloud hosting provider.

What kind of websites should use Cloud hosting?
The types of websites that use servers in the cloud are as varied as those that use normal hosting, but there are cases in which it is particularly popular.

If a website is critical to the mission, which means that the company can not function without it, then Cloud hosting is a great idea. It is also chosen by many ecommerce stores, lead generation sites, corporate websites and high traffic projects.

At the same time, Cloud hosting facilitates scale-up in case more power is needed. This makes it attractive to news agencies and publishers who expect increases in traffic or a large number of clicks on their publications.

In short, it is a very good option in most cases, and that is why it is able to rival shared hosting and virtual servers.

How do IaaS, PaaS and SaaS relate to Cloud hosting?
, PaaS and SaaS are all related to Cloud hosting because they use the cloud infrastructure to offer their service:

IaaS is the abbreviation of "infrastructure as a service" by its acronym in English, and refers to the new business model for hosting companies. The process involves offering virtual machines and processing power through the cloud architecture. Instead of having to contract physical infrastructure, users can buy only the resources they need.
PaaS is the abbreviation of "platform as a service" for its acronym in English. These solutions are generally used to provide a framework upon which developers can build. From a development point of view, PaaS solutions are popular because they reduce time to market and allow greater flexibility.
SaaS is the abbreviation of "software as a service" by its acronym in English, which is the term used when companies use the cloud to offer a software interface to their users, usually through a web browser or a mobile application. Google Docs is a great example of a SaaS product.

The future of Cloud hosting
Cloud computing is becoming increasingly important to our modern society. This technology can take many industries and businesses to the forefront in the web world. Cloud hosting is only the tip of the iceberg, but it is also the cornerstone that makes the cloud possible.

I hope it helps!

Laurence Flynn

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2016
Easy. It's a marketing term that hosts now use for their VPS offering.


New member
Apr 4, 2018
Like VPS, cloud hosting also allocated certain portion of resources to your website. Except, this is done on a network of servers which work together and in an event of any traffic surges, the load is shifted to the other server. Hence, provide you maximum up time and performance.


Jun 10, 2016

There is a lot of advantages in using a Cloud service, but what comes first in mind to me is the fact it responds to some specific profiles like :
-Devops looking for a sandbox
-A small project known to be growing in the next months.
-Small platform that need multiple servers with costs control.
-School projects


Jan 3, 2019
Cloud web hosting is the modern technology of web hosting industry. Cloud technology is every where. You must buy cloud hosting and also suggest to your fellow.


Mar 8, 2019
Cloud hosting is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which provides the facility to host data or services or solutions. These services are delivered on-demand basis and are hosted on computing devices of the service providers.

Benefits Are:
  • Increased collaboration: If your business has two employees or more, then you should be making collaboration a top priority. After all, there isn't much point to having a team if it is unable to work like a team. Cloud computing makes collaboration a simple process. Team members can view and share information easily and securely across a cloud-based platform. Some cloud-based services even provide collaborative Social spaces to connect employees across your organization, therefore increasing interest and engagement. Collaboration may be possible without a cloud computing solution, but it will never be as easy, nor as effective.
  • Quality control: There are few things as detrimental to the success of a business as poor-quality, inconsistent reporting. In a cloud-based system, all documents are stored in one place and in a single format. With everyone accessing the same information, you can maintain consistency in data, avoid human error, and have a clear record of any revisions or updates. Conversely, managing information in silos can lead to employees accidentally saving different versions of documents, which leads to confusion and diluted data.
  • Disaster recovery: One of the factors that contributes to the success of a business is control. Unfortunately, no matter how in control your organization may be when it comes to its own processes, there will always be things that are completely out of your control, and in today's market, even a small amount of unproductive downtime can have a resoundingly negative effect. Downtime in your services leads to lost productivity, revenue, and brand reputation.


Active member
Hosting Provider
Sep 19, 2016
Cloud hosting was created to maximize the use of a web hosting provider's servers/hardware. Instead of having each client on a server or even a VPS, they can utilize all the hardware (RAM, CPU etc.) to nearly 100% all the time. This saves a provider money, makes them more profit and very often not to the benefit of the client... However, the scalability of cloud hosting is a good feature for some people. In a way, you can say it is overselling to the extreme but not if all clients are getting exactly what they pay for of course :) I've notice some providers say "cloud hosting" on their sites and it simply isn't...


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2019
Cloud hosting has been the buzz word in the information technology sector in recent times. It comes with a bunch of advantages and is suitable for all types of businesses. The two primary factors that are responsible for the reach of cloud hosting solutions are the most straightforward way cloud hosting work, makes it ideal for anyone.


New member
Dec 9, 2019
Cloud hosting can be defined as one in which users in a network are linked to numerous servers. Every user in this hosting environment has the computing power of several interconnected servers. All users have the ability to take information from a number of servers, instead of depending only on a single server. Cloud hosting is widely seen nowadays. It is a better option for shared hosting because it has the ability to handle a large amount of traffic.

1. Cloud hosting is highly scalable.
2. Cloud services are very economical.
3. It allows the user to increase the server resources.
4. Cloud hosting offers a complete back-up of all solutions.
5. Using cloud hosting data can be transferred between multiple servers.

Jeff Martin

Active member
Oct 30, 2019
Cloud hosting basically refers to a process of running a website on different servers. It has unlimited processing power making it easy to add new servers for better growth when business productivity spikes. Cloud hosting offers computational resources such as software and data on demand vis-à-vis a reliable and defined computer network and not from local servers.

Advantages of cloud hosting:

Cloud computing is cost-effective in comparison to traditional desktop software that can cost companies a lot of money. Companies will also need to pay for the licensing fees for different users; the cloud is far cheaper and can lower any organization's IT expenses. Moreover, you can also choose from a variety of payment options like pay-as-you-go model or a one-time payment model.

Organizations can enjoy nearly unlimited storage capacity in cloud computing; this spares businesses of the worry of exhausting their storage capacity.

Because the data is stored in a cloud, backing it up and retrieving it in times of need is far simpler than keeping the data stored in the same physical device. A quality cloud hosting provider is usually competent enough to restore the data and recover information when required.

Software integration happens automatically in the cloud and you do not have to make extra efforts to integrate your applications. You have the freedom to handpick the software which you feel are suited for your business.

Data in the cloud can be accessed from any place at any time as long as your device is connected to the Internet.

Cloud computing provides an added advantage of fast deployment of data. This means that data can be accessed much faster from the cloud; however the time taken for this will depend on the technology that your business needs.


Well-known member
Hosting Provider
Dec 20, 2017
Cloud hosting has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, and for a good reason. You've probably got a lot of questions about it, given its rapid ascent. It's a scalable, high-performance hosting solution with a unique collection of features for your business.

We'll go over the primary advantages of cloud hosting so you can decide if it's the appropriate match for your website.

The simplicity of scalability is the main advantage of cloud hosting over previous technologies and existing options. Hosting in the cloud allows you to expand your architecture to include several servers for increased capacity. This allows you to scale up quickly in response to unanticipated traffic spikes and build an infrastructure that can adapt to business needs over time.
Better performance
Cloud hosting provides higher scalability as well as improved performance for the reasons stated above. This is because, in addition to higher capacity resulting in increased availability for your clients, load balancing across many servers is also possible. As a result, each server will be less stressed, and everyone will have a better user experience.
Reduced costs
Cloud hosting eliminates the need to purchase, store, and manage your hardware, lowering your capital cost. You won't have to pay for unused capacity because of the ease you may scale up or down.
Disaster recovery
Another benefit of cloud hosting is that it simplifies disaster recovery, especially if you already have a multi-server hosting design.
Safety From Server Hardware Issues
Your website is protected from physical server issues such as hacking, hardware failure, and system overload when hosted in the cloud.
When a physical server is compromised or has a problem, you may use the physical resources of another server to solve the problem - all without any downtime.
Faster Website Speed and Performance
The majority of cloud servers can provide you with lightning-fast speeds. Cloud hosting not only allows you to extend your site's capacity easily, but it also allows for easier load balancing between various server settings, which can help to reduce the burden on a single server's resources.
Of course, your site's speed is influenced by the server hardware-based, so seek a cloud host with numerous cache layers, premium server hardware, and low-density servers.

Uptime, maintenance, and recording, as well as scalability, efficiency, and protective functionality, are terms you won't hear every day because the pros handle it.

Cheerag Nundlall

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2016
The simplicity of scalability is the main advantage of cloud hosting over previous technologies and existing options. Hosting in the cloud allows you to expand your architecture to include several servers for increased capacity. This allows you to scale up quickly in response to unanticipated traffic spikes and build an infrastructure that can adapt to business needs over time.
I like this feature best. :)
Faster Website Speed and Performance
The majority of cloud servers can provide you with lightning-fast speeds. Cloud hosting not only allows you to extend your site's capacity easily, but it also allows for easier load balancing between various server settings, which can help to reduce the burden on a single server's resources.
Of course, your site's speed is influenced by the server hardware-based, so seek a cloud host with numerous cache layers, premium server hardware, and low-density servers.
I am not sure about this or don't think so that it is faster than normal VPS or dedicated server because it is just different from technology.


Sep 2, 2021
Cloud hosting is a comparatively new format of web hosting that emphasis on keeping your website up and permitting it to cope with peaks in usage effortlessly. This is achieved by spreading the resources vital for your website among many physical servers thus reducing the reliance on any single piece of computing hardware.

There are numerous benefits of using this type of hosting services. Some of the major benefits are the scalability and price cutting. Due to scalability, the development of website (addition of new features, databases or applications) becomes stress-free. There is no concern of hardware advancement as well as resource crunch.

Due to the easiness of services and assistances offered by them, more and more organizations are heading towards cloud hosting services. Businesses that are using Virtual Private Servers or Dedicated servers to host their services are also moving over to cloud hosting.
Last edited:


Jan 19, 2021
Instead of hosting your website or on an app, the cloud allows you to spread your data across multiple, interconnected servers, located across a wide geographical area. These servers only exist in a virtual environment – hence the name cloud.

For example, you can host Accounting software like QuickBooks on the Cloud server and get benefits like:

High Availability
With guarantee 99.999% server uptime and advanced backup technology. It will immediately and automatically replace it with a functional server without incurring any downtime.

Quickbooks supports hundreds of third-party applications, also gives you the option to compare with software that you have previously used. It automatically saves time by enabling you to easily import, export, and sync your data.

Customer Support
Round-the-clock 24/7 support. Good customer support ensures that you do not have to worry about any kind of issue related to it.


Dec 13, 2021
It makes websites and applications accessible using cloud resources.
In comparison to traditional web hosting services usually house one or more than one site on one physical server.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2022
Hey there!
Cloud hosting enables the use of cloud resources to make programmes and websites accessible. Unlike conventional hosting, no one server is used to deliver solutions. Rather than that, an application or website is hosted by a network of linked virtual and real cloud servers, which provides better flexibility and scalability.
The cloud network, rather than a single on-premises server, is used to deliver applications and solutions.
Resources are allocated in accordance with user requirements.
Businesses only pay for the resources they use.
Cloud hosting services are compatible with SQL (including MySQL) and NoSQL databases.
Automation and control of solutions are accomplished via the use of APIs, online portals, and mobile applications.
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