I thought corporate was way too expensive.I've always thought WHT had a decent membership modal.:
I thought it was just right. What do you not like!?At the moment advertising on our forum is a free for all with little to no restrictions and imo a bit of a mess.
Still early days yet. While FWH is doing really well and traffic is increasing a lot etc it does not have anywhere near the traffic or forum activity WHT has... yet, and so there is no need to have the 3/6/7 day post stuff in place yet. Maybe soon, but not yet as I mentioned in my previous post.Perhaps a membership model that is based on how often you can advertise, for example corporate membership would give you the ability to post 3 times a week compared to a non paying member who could only post once per seven days, so the paying members can bump their thread more often.
Nooo! FWH would be just like WHT where only the providers with the biggest wallets get the same ads all the time leaving no room for small-medium businesses to expand etc. 9/10 consumers want to signup to the smaller-medium providers who offer more personal support than signup with the bigger providers who have the biggest wallets but not as good services.The top paying members could also be entitled to the Top 10 spots.
I agree, but maybe not yet. I would offer Forum Supporter first for low price and introduce Premium/Corporate middle/end of next year.Little badges or Titles could also also be given to paying members under their image for example Premiumm member, corporate member, Forum supporter etc
It is a good idea and i thought that or some people here suggested me but I will not think about membership at this time, I would focus on growing this forum first, I like reading and learning experience and hosting techniques from web hosting experts on this community. It's also reason why I build this forum with hopes it will be a forum for all website owners and web hosting providers come, ask, help, find services or sharing experience to others.Out of curiosity, would anyone be willing to pay for a Forum Web membership as a way to support the site and earn some goodies as well as privileges such as an extended signature and maybe reduced sticky fees?
This obviously is a true thought from a web hosting provider/expertIn terms of premium content I think perhaps a Web Hosting Company Owners forum would be nice where we can collaborate about issues, complain about clients, etc... :emlaugh:
I will think about this idea and apply it when a web host here can earn $2000/year so they will ready to pay $200 annually, because I know which forum gives benefits to them, they will give back to the forum.In my opinion, I would be willing to pay $200 or so annually maybe? The reason I think this is fair is because most stickies are $25 for 30 days, so if you are going to be advertising a lot, maybe you can pitch in a 25% - 50% discount or so on the stickies, maybe increase the signature lines to 4.
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