If you are using WHM/cPanel, just following some quick tips here to upgrade apache 2.2 to 2.4 by using Easyapache
The first thing to do is to open up your SSH program like Putty or Xshell 5 and type in the following command
If you've run EasyApache before and encountered some warnings or errors, ignore it by using the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate between the "Yes" and "No" options:
Choosing an option from the list
if you don't want to choose an option from the list, you can go with "Custom Profile", using Tab on your keyword to switch to this option and enter
It will have two otpions to choose, here I chose Apache 2.4.23
Confirm your choice by enter "Ok"
this step will allow you to choose PHP version, I selected PHP5.6.24
Any options at this step and click [Save and Build]
Enter "I Understand" to continue
The EasyApache will upgrade Apache for you. Just wait in minutes till the process is complete.
Hope it helps!