I sure hate to be negative, but I wonder if the biggest problem you might run into is not only finding quality writers but more importantly, writers who are dependable or reliable and finish when they say they will. You don't want people saying they used your site and the writer never delivered. Your site get's a bad name. You of course have little to no control over the writers.
that's the biggest problem I've found with "writers". People ask all the time, I say, sure write something, never to hear from them again. This is not true of everyone, just speaking from my experience. You might be able to rond up some good ones.
Just something to think about.
Not exactly what you asked, just something that came to my mind.
Quality is just as important, far too many bad writers out there, or those who have a poor command of the English language. Not saying I am a pro writer, but I don't get paid to write either.
But if you do have a group of quality writers that deliver, I think there is ALWAYS a need for that. You'll just need to get customers who understand good, unique content comes with a price.
The only other thing is price. The writer gets paid and if you get a cut too, could the content get to expensive? Maybe you already have that figured out.
As for competition, the biggest will probably be Fiverr. Sadly, seems many people are willing to work, or write, for next to nothing.
Check out the competition, see what they are doing, charging, ect.
A similar idea, if you have a team of writers, sounds like you do, they could write niche content and you could sell it as PLR. Always a need for fresh content in that area. Long as it's targeted niche.
Plus you could build up a following or buyers list, better chance of getting future writing sold.
Just my thoughts