Something to keep in mind.
When I first visited your site, I said "eeewwwww" because all "I" see is a black
bar across the top, blue links down the side, text in the middle (with broken
images next to each item/description) and the green order button...
Not too appealing, at first glance.
Knowing that is was possibly my ad blocker software blocking images, I suspended
the ad blocking temporarily and low and behold, I now see a bunch of images where
I WAS seeing a bunch of "broken image" image tags.
Your header image, which is just an ad for another site (which is not a good idea
by the way) is being hosted on a different site. Because of this, many ad blocking
software will notice that and not display it... (as was the case for me)
Because the item images (small square images for each entry) are also being hosted
from another site, again, all I saw was the "broken image" image tag (gray square to
show image placement). Again, not too appealing, especially for first time visitors.
You may want to use some sort of ad blocker detection script and show a warning
message when someone visits who is using an ad blocker software. (just my 2¢)
Further more, and especially for those of us who use ad blocking software, you definitely
want to add some welcome TEXT (above the fold) to introduce the site and tell visitors
exactly what the site is about.
One more thing. I noticed that when I click into any of the tabs, the only way to return
to the home page was to scroll to the bottom and use the "Home" link. I would suggest
adding a "home" tab to the initial set of navigation tabs as well.
Also, I noticed that your first three tabs are already trying to sell your visitors something.
I would highly advise you to make those tabs the LAST 3. You want people to come into
the site and feel like they can safely "stroll/scroll" around without being bombarded with
any sort of sales pitches right off the bat (hard to do with a site that prominently displays
a slew of "order" links right from the start, lol) but taking visitors OFF site when they click
any of the FIRST 3 tabs is probably not advisable... Let them come in and browse around
a little first...
Just my opinions, do with them as you please.