8 Dead Simple Ways to Increase Sales


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
I'm in the process of writing a small report which I will be selling on one of my websites, and I figured I would offer you guys an "abridged" version of the report as it contains some information I feel may be useful. The report will be titled "8 Dead Simple Ways to Increase Sales" and the gist of the content is as follows.

Increasing sales is not necessarily a tough thing to do. Here are a few of the things I always do to help increase my sales.

  1. No matter what I'm offering, be it a product, a service or both, I Always OVER Deliver. EVERYONE loves getting more than expected. Any many times, it adds value, so customers always feel like they get more than what they paid for, which is a surefire way to help build a good repore` with them.
  2. I'm also always certain to Sell to My Customers' Needs and Wants, as that is what will sell.
  3. No matter what I am selling, I always Make the Offer a Risk Free Investment to help "seal the deal" and close the sale.
  4. Always Deliver What You Promise (and more, if/when possible -- see # 1 above).
  5. Whenever I create a new product or start offering a new service, I always Reach Out To Existing Customers as I know they'll usually be some of the first to purchase again.
  6. No matter what, I never focus on the product or the functions of the product/service. Instead, I always Focus on the Benefits as that is what the customer will be interested in and that is what will inevitably help sell the product/service.
  7. Another way to help increase sales it to remember that Proper Pricing is Crucial and as such, not every product needs, or even warrants, a $7 or $17 price tag.
  8. After each sale, a great way of getting even more sales, almost instantly, is to Offer Complementary Products/Services either as an upsell or as an add-on.
  9. No matter what I am offering/selling/promoting, I always make certain to Be Responsible AND Reliable with any of my products, services or offerings.
  10. Whether I am offering a simple eBook or a complete software package, I always, always, always Offer Incredible Customer Service to my customers as I want to make sure they are happy with their purchase.
  11. If you've ever promoted anything, you already know that Testimonials Sell, so, I always try to get my customers feedback so I can post the feedback on my site for others to see.
  12. Before I sell to anyone, I always try to Build A Relationship with My Customers as I know they are more likely to purchase from a friend, or someone they trust.
Well, there's many more things you can do to help increase sales, but I'll end it here.

Now, before I actually submit this post, I want to point something out real quick.

Did you see what I did above? Or did you miss it?

My first method states that you should always OVER DELIVER and if you noticed, the title of this post, and of my report, is "8 Dead Simple Ways to Increase Sales"...

Even though I only promised 8, I included 12. I "over delivered", as I said you should do. Just thought I'd point that out to those who weren't paying attention. Anyways, I am about to release this eBook, and yes, it will include all 12 methods, and even more actually, as well as much more detailed information for each method.

I will be selling it via my website, using JVZoo, and if you're interested in getting a copy of it, at a discounted price, please PM me and I will send you the link. Also, if you'd be interested in promoting it to your friends, colleagues, co-workers or mailing list subscribers, AND earning a 50% commissions, also PM me and I will send you the affiliate sign up link.

Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
Some great tips Joey :)

For sure, over deliver, that can set you apart from the rest. Funny, it's one of the easiest things to do, just put up some extra downloads on the download page. If you don't have anything you can buy some pretty cheap.

Good point on upsells, oddly enough, many people don't do upsells, I am guilty of it myself. Almost seems like they worry about being too pushy or something. Course then you have those that hit you with one OTO after another, after another, after another, after another. They "say" it works, but little too much for me personally. Don't like to hammer people that hard.

Number 10 is my favorite and a pet peeve. So many marketers, Guru's mostly, really stink at customer service, if they even reply. And some are down right rude or self-riotous. I am not 100% perfect, but I've always tried to provide really good customer service. People don't realize how much of a difference it can make. I've lost count how many times I've just answered simple questions or helped some one a little, and next I know they placed an order. Think it's just that you've shown there is a nice "real" person behind the site. My guess :)

Thanks for sharing, good post!


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
Some great tips Joey :)
Thanks Ron. Glad you liked.

Course then you have those that hit you with one OTO after another, after another, after another, after another.
OMG Ron, I swear to God, another true story here. I purchased a product a
few weeks ago. I honestly don't remember what it was, but it was probably
shiny, LOL, ;) (I'm sure you know what I mean by that, LOL)...

Anyways, after my purchase, and it was a decent size purchase, $97, I was
hit with not 1, not 2, not even 3 or 4, but 12, yes TWELVE OTO offers. Now,
I usually start getting upset when I see more than 2, but TWELVE, OMG, was
I P*SSED!!! To say the least. And the worst part was that after the 3rd offer,
they were no longer even related to my initial purchase. THAT was LUDICROUS!

Number 10 is my favorite and a pet peeve. So many marketers, Guru's mostly, really stink at customer service, if they even reply. And some are down right rude or self-riotous. I am not 100% perfect, but I've always tried to provide really good customer service.
Yet ANOTHER true story. I purchased a product (a package deal) a while back and
a few of the products did not function properly on Windows 10... This was when
Windows 10 first started rolling out. Anyway, I contacted the support desk of the
product owner and explained the problem and the tech's response was just out and
out rude and uncalled for... It was like I was interupting his day or something, you
know... I then emailed the site/product owner/creator directly and I received pretty
much the same RUDE and ARROGANT response.

Now, the guy I purchased from is a very well known marketer and product creator,
so, I figured by emailing him directly, I would get a more suitable response. Instead,
he has banned me from purchasing any more of his products, which, once I received
the rude responses, he was already added to my internal "DNBY" list (Do Not Buy From)
so I had no issues with that whatsoever, but, the fact that his support staff, AND he,
were so rude was just beyond all comprehension, you know.

People don't realize how much of a difference it can make. I've lost count how many times I've just answered simple questions or helped some one a little, and next I know they placed an order. Think it's just that you've shown there is a nice "real" person behind the site. My guess :)
ABSOLUTELY. Like you, I run a very large "reseller shop" and I can't tell you how
many times I receive emails asking a question and after answering, the person
then goes on to buy not just one, but MULTIPLE products.

It's a very simple concept that A LOT of marketers just don't get. It's oddly
surprising in fact. AND, you don't even have to be able to answer the initial
question either. Many times, I will get a question about a product I am selling
(a product that I am REselling, so I didn't actually create it) and I had no idea
what the answer was. I would simply tell the potential customer that I did NOT
know the answer but if s/he could give me 24 hours, I'd do some research and
find an answer for them. 9.99999 times out of 10, they are thrilled that I even
took the time to reply, never mind that I would go out of my way to find the
answer for them (which, to me, it is not going out of my way, it is doing what
needs to be done to make someone happy, you know).

Anyways, back to the original point at hand, I find it odd how many marketers
do not offer good, never mind great, customer support. To ME, it's one of the
easiest things to do. Taking just 5 minutes of your time can result in someone
going on to spend hundreds, thousands even, with you in the future.

One of the highest paying programming jobs I have done was for a guy who
ended up purchasing almost $45,000 of programming services from me. It
started out with him initially contacting me asking me about a product I
was promoting (through an affiliate link). He was another person who had
asked a question that I did not know the answer to at that time, so, I told
him I would get back to him (and I DID) and, again, he was so happy that
I had taken the time to find the answer for him (when I could have just
replied by telling him he would have to contact the actual owner of the
product) that we began chatting about other stuff and within a 2 week
time span, he flew out to meet me in person and ended up hiring me for
a $45,000 programming job...

From me promoting a $20 something product to landing a $75k programming
gig, if THAT isn't a TRUE testament to how crucial offering good support is,
and what it could possibly lead to, no matter how minute the question, then
I don't know WHAT is... (now, I am not saying that is a typical situation, God
I wish it were, LOL, but, the point is that you never know what 2 minutes of
your time now could be worth down the road -- not to mention that it just
really makes me smile when I get a "thank you" from someone because I was
able to help them out, you know.)

Thanks for sharing, good post!
Thanks again Ron, really glad you liked it.
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