I was just contacted by PayPal letting me know that one of the folks who had
purchased ad space did so using a stolen/hijacked PayPal account, SO, I now
2 slots available. This was suppose to close at 9AM this morning, but I
will hold off a few more hours to hopefully fill these slots.
(After some investigating, the person who purchased using the stolen paypal
account is not an actual member of this forum. Had she been, I would have
taken the necessary steps to have her banned.)
If you've already purchased,
THANK YOU. If not, hurry!
Reserve a slot now.
For just $20, you can't lose... You
will receive such a huge ROI, I assure you.
A few tips/pointers for those purchasing an ad slot:
1. Do NOT Link Directly To Your Home Page
When sending me the link URL, do NOT send me a link to your home page. Instead
use a link to an inner page, even if it simply redirects to your home page. I say this
so that if you ever want to change where the link leads to, you can do so easily by
changing the redirect URL. Yes, I
CAN change the link within the software remotely,
however, there will be a fee assessed to do so. So, save yourself some money and
save me some time and use a redirect link of some sort.
2. Short and Sweet BUT Compelling
Because of the actual size of the software window, you are limited to 25 characters
or less, so, think about the anchor text wisely as you want to compel the software
users to click YOUR link. Be creative but remember, you only have 25 characters. Use
them wisely.
3. Do NOT Link Directly to a Sales Page
You CAN, it is your ad and you can link to whatever URL you want, however, remember
that my customers will NOT know you, most likely, so, you want to do everything you
can to gain their trust before trying to sell them something... Instead, lead the visitor
to a landing page or a blog page or something that gives them more information about
who YOU are.
4. Offer Visitors A Special Deal and/or Price
Remember, offering even a mere 5% discount is better than asking full price. If you're
insistent on trying to sell something right off the bat, offer a discount of some sort,
or a special bonus.
5. Track and Test EVERYTHING
If you're new to advertising in this manner, consider
split testing. Point your link to
some sort of split testing system. A split testing system is one which will point the
first visitor to one URL and the next visitor to another url. You can gauge which of
the pages is converting best. If you do not know how to create a split test or need
a split testing script or assistance of any kind, let me know. I'd be happy to give
you a hand. Remember, I want your ad to be as successful as possible. I AM an
internet marketer after all and you KNOW I will be hitting you up the next time
I offer ad space,

so obviously, I want to help you succeed because I want
you to purchase ad space from me again (and again, and again, aaaand again).
My point being, if you need any assistance, just let me know.
Also, for anyone who is interested in downloading the software, I will post back
on Friday when I launch and release it.