How to increase Facebook Page Likes ?


New member
Dec 5, 2012
Hi There,
Is there any trick to increase Facebook page likes. In spite of posting interesting content and images page like is not increasing. Kindly suggest me something different technique which could be effective to increase page likes.


New member
Dec 7, 2012
Chat or tag other pages with similar likes and interests, favourite their pages on yours for credibility and invite up to 5,000 people on a .csv file from other lists and start with your campaign to increase your facebook page likes.


Sep 10, 2012
1. Held a contest

Held a contest is the easiest way and the most applications fanpage to increase the number of fans. Typically the competition will be the winner based on the number of "Like", be it a picture or article. Candidates attend accidentally become promote through advocacy fanpage your friends to vote for you. It is easy to see that want to vote, they must be fans the fanpage , then be able to support his friends and you will have a amount of large fanpage quickly.

2. Updated regularly

Teach Yourself a habit of posting articles / quotes / sayings on his fanpage. The post regularly will gather for the of your Fan habit of visiting every day, if they like what you share, they will continue to share with friends and like your fanpage days a large. The question is: updated many times a day is enough for a fanpage? Usually three times. 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon and one in the evening. You can update but you should avoid too much more to make your fans feel uncomfortable.

3. Fanbox integrated into website

If you have your own website, your fanbox integrated into your website so that readers can easily find you on Facebook. To install you can go to Facebook Fanbox settings. You can see the pattern a Fanbox integrated into the website at the angle of reflection.

4. Guide for users to introduce more friends

Most non-professional users will not know how to show your friends. You can write an article for them introducing fanpage to your friends. If your fanpage truly compelling, readers will find ways to show the people they know.

5. Use a different default tab

Instead of the user to the "Wall" of fanpage, select a different default tab. There you can brief your fanpage and images to guide them to "Like" your fanpage. If you are not fluent in the language FBML but still want to create a tab that is very attractive to own, you can refer to the article of webmaster forum. This is a fairly complete article, and provide a very nice template for your fanpage.

6. Capture timely information

The majority of Facebook users are young people, their skills, their creativity and their desire to catch up with the new trends. So please do not miss the opportunity to post the hot news and many people need to know to be able to attract more fans for you.

7. Create a style for your fanpage

Stylish not only in choosing the avatar, how to write sentences, but also in your interaction with your fans. Put yourself in the position of a user, you select a fanpage updates haphazard, with no clear theme or not? Or would you choose a fanpage for you and a unification in the article or how to interact with the user? Give your fanpage a style, fanpage like in the blog, create your own personal stamp, your own style and you will be known.

Above are some of the experiences derived through the process of managing some of your fanpage. How about you, have you ever created a fanpage on Facebook or not? Do you have any experience to share more fully to the article? Let's share!


New member
Dec 15, 2012
I am currently in the process of building fans on my page, looking to get around 500+ likes from people who maybe into what my company is about.

Right now I am using Facebook Ads, but not trying to pay to much because I have heard many issues about Facebook Ads usually give out "fake likes" which is a complete waste of money.
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Staff Member
Sep 28, 2012
I have some basic tips introduce how to increase facebook page likes.

Method 1: I guess you know how to increase like fanpage with most common way using the "Suggest to Friends" invite all friend likes to fanpage page after you have just created your page.
But it seems to not work and annoying people when being spam by emails suggested like page. Besides, "Suggest to Friends" tools also has a number of limitations such as: an individual on Facebook can only like up to 500 pages.
If you use up like ice fanpage tools suggest to friends to keep in mind:
- Do not suggest like when your fanpage has just created and without content.
- Do not suggest the entire friends instead of doing that you should focus on individuals with prestige and influence suggest they like and do not forget to thank them, encourage them to invite your friends to like your page.

Method 2: Embed Widget Like Box on the website.
Customers will notice quickly that they regularly monitor the information on the website through Facebook and increasing rates of click like your page.

Method 3: Use email to invite if you have a list of potential customers, not difficult you will have to appeal to their likes for your page.

Method 4: Create addictive video to introduce your fanpage

Method 5: Tag photo
In case you are organizing an event, be sure to take lots of photos, then upload photos to fanpage and then call and encourage their fans to figure out if they are present anywhere in the photo by "tag". This method gives two positive points:
- Make the fans feel that they are important, slowly turning them into loyal fans.
- A spread extremely effective, free and, more importantly, that's what fans do voluntary

Method 6:
Upload video into your fan page and Embed in your website for everyone easy to like it.

Hope these tips are useful to you. :rolleyes:
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New member
Jan 3, 2013
Tip 1: Create a fan-only content

The first thing you should do is to develop a fan-only content on your Facebook page. Facebook offers the opportunity to show fans than non-fans. Different content How to do this is clearly explained here. The only way for a non-fan to see all of the content of the page is to click on the Like button. This motivates highly interested to take this action. To further promote this even helps to promise the visitor discount, a price or unique content if they are fans.

Tip 2: Make your customers become fans

Many companies forget to use the power of a thank you page. Use Once customers have ordered something can often just a scant "thanks for your order 'notice on an otherwise empty page. If customers have taken to go through the entire ordering process on your site worth it's likely that they like your business. Especially in combination with a trigger in the form of unique content works this way well. Indicate that your customers, for example on the many useful tips about the product they have just purchased that they can find on your Facebook page. Add the Facebook Like box prominently to your thank you page and they can not avoid it.

Tip 3: Organize a contest

An excellent way to gain more exposure and fans is organizing a contest where fans can win great prizes. The only thing that Facebook members have to do to join is to liken from your page. Contests are excellent for generating a buzz and the action is far spread. Your friends see immediately because you joined. In the United States there are some companies only specialize in creating so-called Facebook sweepstakes. But closer to home, they managed to develop. An original Facebook action

Tip 4: Use your e-mail file and your website

Many companies send monthly newsletter already out the door. Use this expression to draw attention to your Facebook page with the announcement of the contest you organize (tip 3) or the unique content you offer if they like your page (tip 1) your customers. Place course a news on your website where you promote the Facebook page. Also you can link your blog rss via Social RSS application directly to your Facebook page.

Tip 5: Facebook advertising

I have already written about, but if you just bet is advertising on Facebook a very effective way to gain new fans. The unprecedented targeting options you are able to very specifically and to recruit in your target market. Inexpensive fans This tip is especially useful to grow rapidly in the beginning and then the viral effect can take over growth. If you start advertising, let the potential fans or countries on an optimized landing page (see tip 1). Fan only content combined with a well planned advertising campaign will result in a conversion rate other channels where you only can dream of.

What you gonna do with your Facebook fans?

The above methods are certainly not the only, but proven effective. A large fan base is only worth something if you also use it to do something. Try as you mark the dialogue with your fans and you are willing their time and energy to stabbing to eventually strengthen the relationship with your customers The answer is yes, then use the above tips above. If the answer is negative, but you just want many Facebook fans, you can also just buy Facebook fans if you do not have much choices.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
They have mentioned almost all to do's. Well one thing that I do to have more likes is to share some important facts to my friends and also promote my page. Add some contacts that I have and engage with them so they may also like my page. :)


New member
Dec 14, 2012
1. Meaningful content for your audience on your page

First, the most important thing that you have useful content on your page. You have chosen what the target is and you know the need. There's your business to build and therefore your website, newsletter, LinkedIn and actions there the focus. So your Facebook business page also has this focus.

2. Welcome tab on your page

A welcome tab on your page, more than double the number of new fans. People who first countries on the bulletin board (default setting) often do not know where to start. A welcome tab you can explain them what and for who it is, what to expect, and there are questions on the Like ("Like") button. Call to action helps people follow that better than they need to figure out what to do yourself.

3. Friends and acquaintances

This option is often used early. The page is started, almost everything is completed there is no further action on the page, and then the Facebook friends invited.

Put your page. Make sure that the page looks good, with a nice banner and a welcome tab Provide status updates and images, possibly even a video. Make sure that the information part is completely filled with links to your website. Once it is running, use this button.

4. Your send an email to your network

The network you can access through your email addresses in your email program, we can once approach.
You go to 'Edit Page', directly below your profile picture.
Then click on 'Marketing' and then 'Tell your fans'

You can import a Csv file for it. This must export first from your mail program. Or use of your online mail solution like Gmail.

Think also of the people you are going to bother with your message, while they have not asked for and do not fall within your target market. Of course, you yourself are very excited about your page, but the receiver is that?
Write a nice personal message is larger than that they do not mind even if they are not your target audience. Chance

The people who (still) do not use Facebook will first have to create before they can be of your page. Fan an account

5. Distribute updates from your page through social networks

If you post an update on your Facebook page is not found anywhere else, then once spread this message via Twitter or LinkedIn. Especially if your target is also active in these networks.

6. Your page mention in the signature of your email

In any mail program, you have the ability to place a signature. By default, each e-mail you sent come to be your contact details. You did now though, right? In these contact details you put the link to your Facebook page.

Simple and effective. Everyone you to send an email, you can see Facebook page and clicking directly on the link (make the link clickable so).

7. Invite your newsletter subscribers

There is a high probability that the target of your newsletter is equal to the target of your page. Spend a newsletter to your page and a small portion of your subscribers is a fan of your page.

They do this only if there is reason ALSO follower of it. Your page explain what information they get there they get anywhere else. Give away something on your page that you do not get as newsletter subscriber else.

8. Content that can only be seen for fans

Here's an example of an intriguing welcome page that you only see the contents get when you "Like" clicked the button. In this example, the text shining through it, the whole is an image.

9. Like box on your website

You can do this with a page-badge (1) or 'I like Webmaster Forum' badge (2). These are simple badges, with your profile picture, name of your page and any number of fans and last status.

10. Attention questions in your blog

You can, for example, in an article that tells you something about Facebook or on your topic people point to your Facebook page. You can also use the 'WP Greet Box' plugin use. People welcome in your blog if they have not visited before that. In this box you can make them equal attention to your fan page.

11. Like button for each article

This like button creates a distribution of your article within Facebook. Anyone on your blog, comes in an article, and a Facebook account can be so spread your article.

This is your product so in the network of this person spread on Facebook. This pull fans back to your blog. Like the box from paragraph 9. or the WP Greet Box of 10. then ensure that they can visit and see your page.

There are many different ways to place. An article to a like button

12. Fans pictures show tag

You take pictures of your fans or target instance during an event. Then add these photos to your Facebook page and asking people to tag. People go beyond themselves and other tag. As the photo spread across different boards and your page is viewed more. Here come naturally from new fans.

13. Invite experts for Facebook chat

This will make more curious for your visitors and your fans, also increase your like for page.

14. Use video

It's very effective if you put a welcome videos at welcome tab.

15. Entice customers to Facebook become a fan

On your website you may also sell products through a shop or a shopping cart. If anyone out there what countries usually buy them at the end of the buying process in a "Thank you' page. On this page you can call people to be a fan of your page.

This is an excellent time to do so. These people are happy with the decision they have taken. They bought something they will help you. A click on a "Like" button is only a small step.

16. Add to thank you page newsletter

You have on your website submission fields for your newsletter. If someone subscribes to your newsletter they want to know more about you. Your Facebook page is also something to be aware of

When registering for the newsletter has passed you in your newsletter software set a landing page. On this page you people call the 'Like' button.

Make it as simple as possible. A link to your page means additional steps for the visitor. A box or just the button, the button I like this means one click and they are fans.

17. Add to card

Add your Facebook fanpage to your business card. It's good for your customers easy to find you on Facebook.

18. Sign with LinkedIn Connect

If someone sends me an invitation to connect on LinkedIn I always send a thank you email. If the person is in my target's in the signature of these often mail a link to my Facebook page.

19. Ensure that the reactions of yourself AND your fans are visible

The pages where most interaction is, I always see the messages from the fans and the page itself. By default, a page only messages of the page. This lets you easily adjust.

20. With reference to Article tag in your page to your Facebook wall

In the beginning you have probably more friends in your profile fans in your page. Your Facebook friends who are not fans of your page miss the updates of this page. You can also distribute these updates through your personal updates.

21. Use tags on photos

If you upload photos to your page, you can tag people in this photo. The people who have received tagged be notified and it appears on their bulletin board. Thus this picture spreads through these boards.

You can even tag people (friends only) in a photo where they are not. This would not do that because it is a kind of spam. You try to make the picture in your page. People a false way attentive

The people you've tagged can be happy simply remove the tag.

For example you have read a book by a famous writer. Give a brief idea or a review on your page. Place the picture of the book in your page and tag it with the author.

Note: You can only tag friends and the update appears on his personal profile.

22. Use tags in updates

You can update in your point / link to another page. You do this by first typing in your update. @ Then a list will appear and you can type the name of the page and select.
This can only pages you are a fan.

23. Advertise on Facebook

You can also just use an ad to get LIKEs for your page.
It will get 200 likes in 2 weeks, according to your page.

Fans get and keep

Remember that the content of your page ensures that most of the people fan and fan continue.

- Publish regular updates.
- Updates go about your fans not about you.
- Provide good content updates.
- Provide exclusive updates, which can be found nowhere else.
- Ask questions.
- Respond to questions from fans.
- Delete spam.
- Turn your fans in the sun.

Hope it will help you !


Jul 7, 2012
In my opinion, to increase facebook page likes you need update fb status regular and designing a cool facebook page, connect to more people, share useful tips.


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2012
Tag beautiful photos and share short funny stories are one of best ways to get more like and promote your facebook fan page, also increase your likes for FB page.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2012
Target audience, use trending news and share your links with the trending news. You can get more traffic by clicking that trends.


Dec 10, 2012
All techniques to increase Facebook pages likes were covered here, very informative. I am owning a facebook fanpage with 6000 Likes and I hope I will get more fb likes soon when I apply some useful tips here for my page.


Dec 10, 2012
Hi Jackony,
Nice to hear from you, that you have 6k likes for your page, can you please share your ideas to have so many fans & followers :)
Hi Pramod,
yes, I used some ways that other members shared here. Last time I putted facebook fanpage like box on my funny stories, photos..etc..Also share them on my facebook page and got more likes from visitors .It's very easy to get like from these ways.


New member
Jan 20, 2014
There are few ways to do this.

Using the "Suggest to Friends" invite all friends to like your fanpage.
Embed Widget Like Box on the website.
Use email to invite if you have a list of potential customers.
Create addictive video to introduce your fanpage.
Tag photo.
Upload video into your fan page and Embed in your website.
Held a contest.


New member
Dec 28, 2013
Hi guys :)

You can buy likes if you want but i don't see the point in doing that.I don't see how this can help your business. What is the point in buying likes from people with no interest in your business.So my advice is to concentrate on the quality of your postings
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