
  1. cindy

    Which is the best program to do editing on CSS or HTML

    Hi Which is the best program to do editing on CSS or HTML? At present I use notepad++ which is pretty good. I even tried TopStyle, which used to I liked the it finishes tags and displays the effects of code immediately, same as Dreamweaver but its so chunky and theres too much going on...
  2. arronmattwills

    How to overcome responsive web design IE 8 browser issue using css?

    Hi friends, recently we have worked on a responsive website. We know that responsive website consists of html 5 and css 3 tags and properties. We have used html 5 properties like article, section, header and footer. But these tags Internet explorer doesn't support. For that we have changed...
  3. arronmattwills

    wordpress css is not updating.... why???

    Today as usual I have installed wordpress for my new clients website. Everyone went fine but suddenly what was happened I don't know css is not updating. I have pressed ctrl + f5 also it is not updating. then I have checked my file properties in ftp. changed to public writable mode. it's...
  4. fromrachel

    How CSS is important for Internet Marketing

    How CSS work to enhance website or how it boosts the internet marketing? I have heard but I don't know that how it does it work. If anyone knows it then please help me... thanks..
  5. arronmattwills

    How to remove empty navigation or paragraph tags using css code.

    While i am working on a wordpress website i am getting some unnecessary empty tags. I tried to remove them, but they are not appearing in post html code. So i have tried a lot finally i found a simple code to remove those empty tags such as navigation and paragraphs from html code just by...
  6. Marc0

    how to use 3 images in a CSS class?

    Hello, I want to create a button with css but using only a class with 3 images in it my code below, is it right? .mybutton{ background-image: url(/images/middle_pic.png), url(/images/right_pic.png), url(/images/left_pic.png); background-position: center, right, left...
  7. arronmattwills

    How to include css in html web page?

    It seems like simple thing but many web design freshers don't know how to include css file into html file. In the beginning day of my learning web design i was unaware of these things. In the above code rel means relationship is equal to style sheet. And the important thing is we should...
  8. arronmattwills

    How to format the body tag in CSS while designing a website?

    We have to format or initialize all the values before writing a css code to design a website. the following things are we need to do: Margin should be zero. padding should be zero. font size should be twelve pixels. and font family should be a regular font like arial. These things...
  9. J

    Xml coding with css file?

    i'm unable to get the color in browser with xml file (css file) please advise. code for xml is <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css " href = "shachi.css"?> <bookdetails> <details> <asin>9924299897</asin> <name>2 states</name> <catalog>book</catalog>...
  10. Sunil Shrestha

    web design from css

    Css is style sheet language which is used for written document in markup language. Css is used in the pages design by html or xhtml. CSS makes it easier to html pages for creating and developing also.We can use css for giving more unique things on html created pages.
  11. Sunil Shrestha

    How useful CSS in web page design?

    Hellow, I am studying web page designing . In web page design i create a many webpage with many design from html but some of design cannot be create by html. so, now i am studying CSS for making web page unique in look from CSS. CSS help us to create a good and unique webpage.
  12. Tommy

    What is Best CSS Frameworks?

    Hello, can you suggest me What is the best CSS Framework for web designers ? If we build big web projects, I sure that we will need CSS framework for our project to help it easier and quicker. waiting for your valuable responses... Thank you
  13. Marc0

    Why we need to learn HTML and CSS?

    Hello, There are alot of free or paid tools available to create HTML and CSS, but I still learn HTML & CSS by manual, when you are only simply to click and drag in softwares to build websites quickly. what about you, do you use tools for creating website or write codes by yourself ? What...
  14. Marc0

    CSS drop down menu the way?

    Hey all, I'm no webdesigner, just like fiddling and I've invested over per weeks time trying to do a easy stacked record with css dropdown and enough is enough lol. I'm thinking if I should even hassle with a css fall down selection for contact phones? As the primary factor of this web page...
  15. Marc0

    Best way to learn CSS?

    What is the fastest and most effective way of learning CSS? I want to research from home, at my own pace as opposed to going to classes or getting a mentor. Any excellent techniques out there?
  16. Marc0

    CSS Introduction for Beginners

    The CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), in web development, are electronic documents with a set of rules for formatting a website. Illustration, can be used to form: - The colors and size of the various elements of the website - The behavior in various actions - The content the way we want...
  17. E

    CSS Fonts that Go unnoticed by Web designers?

    Hello Friends Can Anybody knew Those CSS Fonts that are Good to Use and Generally Ignored By Web Designers Please Help CSS Fonts Unnoticed By Designers ? Thanks
  18. Tommy

    CSS Pseudo selectors: before,: after,: focus and: first-child

    In the series on CSS selectors, I'm going to talk today about some special selectors. At first two selectors for additional text to generate,: before and: after. In addition, the pseudo selector: first-child and: focus. : Before The pseudo-element can something with no other selector can...
  19. Marc0

    CSS Tutorial Sites

    Hi everyone, Learning HTML is not enough to be able to design a professional looking webpages. I know that CSS will help a lot to improve the appearance of my pages. I know a little of it, but I feel I should exert a little more effort on learning it deeper. My question is really simple...
  20. Marc0

    How to Center a Website With CSS ?

    Hi everyone, I want to align to center for my main div called "mainwrapper" on all browsers i.e firefox, IE 6,7,8, chrome, opera...etc so can you show me some ways with CSS to center my website ? Thank you.