
  1. Marc0

    How to create gradient effect using CSS

    I'm trying to create an effect where the border of my DIV object has a horizontal left-to-right or right-to-left gradient fade. The perspective of the gradient must encompass all borders (not just top and bottom) All the documentation I came across so far describes how to do it vertically
  2. jdunhin

    CSS hover Box

    Hi Popupbox over a link. This is very cool and you can get creative! Sorry it feels like I am spamming the forum but I decided to share my notes on this forum... Code: css: /*************tooltip***************************/ .tooltip { cursor: hand; text-decoration: none !important...
  3. jdunhin

    Wordpress css hover

    Hi Sharing a tip for developers :) I am using sprite images and when I hover it just use the bottom part of the image. This is very handy to speed up your website or blog. CSS: #ID { width: 136px; //SIZE OF THE ONE PART OF THE IMAGE height: 48px; background-image...
  4. nancyfromafrica

    Best Site for people who wish to learn CSS and Designs

    When i started learning website desiging and css I saw some great sites and zengarden is one site which has a collection of some of the most amazing designs on web search google for css zengarden to see what you can learn :eek:
  5. Marc0

    How to Create a table using CSS ?

    I want to make a table only using css tag as <div> <ul>..is It possible ? any tutorials to make this ? Thanks
  6. Marc0

    When I should use Margin and Padding in CSS ?

    It's difficult for me to use padding and margin in Css, are they different ? Anyone know about When I should use Margin and Padding in CSS and any Tips ? Thanks
  7. Marc0

    How To Create A Print CSS For Website ?

    Someone knows about Css Print, and is it important for a website online ? pls any suggestion or tips ? Thank
  8. Marc0

    How to use CSS Sprites ?

    anyone know how to use CSS Sprites to make different backgrounds in a image file ? Thanks
  9. Marc0

    Class and ID in CSS ?

    Anyone know how to use Class and Id in Css and are they different from?
  10. Marc0

    What is your favourit editor for Css ?

    1) Notepad: normal use 2) Notepad + +: support code and tab-colored stools 3) Dreamweaver : support autocomplete 4) Rapid CSS: good 5) Style Master 6) Microsoft Expression Web can anyone leave some suggestions about your favourit editors for Css ?