Hello I am thinking to start my own blog wordpress. But the problem is I can't find a cheap web host. Most of the host I find online have very expensive renewal (e.g. $2/mon on first year then $8/mon on renewal.) I will only make 1 wordpress site, nothing too special I do not need large storage...
I want to have a new domain with .io extension but as I checked on name.com, its price is pretty high, $99/year. Some months ago, I checked and it is just around $30 to $40 for a year, I don't think its price increased fast like that.
What is the best way to get Plesk cheap license? As I am seeing on Plesk website, they are offering $9.16/mo for web admin edition. Is there a way to get lower price than that?
I'm currently working on getting engaged to web hosting.
I'm already on the stage of choosing where to get my dedicated server, however, I'm fairly new to this business and still undergoing a few coaching. Though the inputs of my mentors are valuable, I am confident that people in this forum...
Where can I find cheap wildcard SSL certificates ?
I was looking for opening some sub domains and this would be great to get.
Let me know in the comments please
SmileServe submitted a new resource:
SmileServe - INSANELY CHEAP - Fully Managed Virtual Private Servers - Low Price - Premium Service
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SmileServe submitted a new resource:
SmileServe - INSANELY CHEAP - Unlimited Alpha Reseller - cPanel - LiteSpeed - Low Price - Premium Service
Read more about this resource...
We are a privately owned company in Austria and are offering stable and reliable Hosting Services. All Webhosting plans are hosted on our HA-Cloud.
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Hi guys!
Do you know where I can avail a cheap VPS that is based in Germany? I would like to set up any lightweight OS that can run Firefox 24/7. It will browse different websites and cycle through them 24/7.
Are there cheap Germany VPS that has the specs to handle that kind of software...
What are the cheapest .org domains out there ?
I want to register a website that deals in advertising with couple of friends of mine and I want to find out where can I purchase a cheap one.
Hello !
I was wondering if anyone of you can update me with this.
I am looking for a cheap cloudlinux license, since my budget is not allowing just to choose anything I want from the market.
Anyone has any experience with this operating system and where did you get the license ?
Thank you in...
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Hi all,
I got a question regarding using hostgator shared hosting $10+ (Free cpanel), setup the dns name servers for my sites, then point my dns name servers to my domain name servers. Then pointing again to my another server ( where my sites are located at ).
Currently i am using...
Virus files injections and brute-force attacks are one of the major problems that most of the server owners face nowadays. Having a defensive mechanism implemented on your server may vary based on your technical skills and budget.
OpsShield has developed cPGuard to help people to implement...
More people prefer buying cheap web hosting services but how you consider it is "cheap"? because its price is like free or you can own a hosting plan without paying more? do you think of the quality of cheap service?
Your comments would be appreciated.