
  1. vaneetagoswami

    How to solve this problem with PHP

    Looking for the logic from you guys... I did this for table view. Now I want that when I click on edit option than that particular record is open and I edit that and after that fire the update query to save the data into database. I did this through id easily but I didn't maintain it for...
  2. opono

    PHP Script vs Wordpress?

    I visited some theme marketplace as themeforest, codecaynon, templatemonster...and I found one script that I like. But it programmed by an author (not base on Wordpress site), their php script is very perfect but it was not programmed with Wordpress cms. I'm too familiar with wordpress I...
  3. Maxwell

    Display XML Data with PHP?

    I have a xml file or xml url from other site and I want to extract data from this file/url and display it with php. Is it possible? Can you give me how to do that? thanks in advanced!
  4. bob

    Add rel="nofollow" for all links with PHP?

    I'm looking for a PHP function to add rel="nofollow" for all links for a specific part on my site? If possible, give me any suggestions. thanks in advanced.
  5. arronmattwills

    How to create connection between local php and google code project?

    Basically i am an experienced web designer, recently started php and other development skills learning. So currently i am working on a php project. I need to share it with other developers through google code. Google code is very helpful to share our code with any google code developer and so...
  6. Laviskajoermoy

    Who is the Father of PHP

    Who is the Father of PHP? If you know please post your answer. I am really sorry that I don't know...
  7. Laviskajoermoy

    What is PEAR in PHP?

    What is PEAR in PHP? How would you define PEAR? Is it a code or something else?
  8. Laviskajoermoy

    PHP vs HTML

    Is there any relationship between PHP and HTML? Is there any difference between PHP and HTML...please suggest
  9. furious

    Anonymous functions In PHP

    Anonymous functions, also known as closures, allow the creation of functions which have no specified name. They are most useful as the value of callback parameters, but they have many other uses. Example #1 Anonymous function example <?php echo preg_replace_callback('~-([a-z])~', function...
  10. V

    What PHP framework do you use?

    I use Yii and it is great, but I found that it is rather hard to find a job on Yii, despite the fact that it is the most popular php framework according to statistics...
  11. Marc0

    Using the PHP Include Function?

    Hello, Export gives me a web page.html. I copy that page in index.php, and after I want to place some includes, for example for navigation. When I do that, the layout is modified. We cannot use php includes? I did it as regular, nothing unique.
  12. Marc0

    Best ways to learn PHP quickly?

    Hi, Php is more and more popular thus I am going to learn PHP now, but I don't know where to begin and fast ways to learn PHP efficiently so anyone can suggest me some ways ? Thank you.
  13. shophia

    What is the difference between a PHP and HTML Web page?

    PHP files are only like html files, but they can include both HTML and PHP code. The PHP code is parsed (or executed) by the web server when the page is permitted & the resulting output is written as HTML within the web page. When a user entrances a PHP page, his web browser just acquires sent...
  14. shophia

    How to prevent form hijacking in PHP?

    1. Create register_globals to off to avert Form Injection with malicious data. 2. Make Error_reporting to E_ALL so that all variables will be initialized earlier than using them. 3. Make perform of using htmlentities(), strip_tags(), utf8_decode() and addslashes() for filtering malicious...
  15. jdunhin

    Add a style.css onto a php file

    Add a style.css onto a php file. <?php echo '<style type="text/css">'; include 'style.css'; echo '</style>'; ?>
  16. Marc0

    Setting up PHPMyAdmin

    Hello everyone, I just started exploring PHP and MySQL as these two are like husband and wife. Now it's time to jump with hosting lessons. Then here comes a very good hosting services offered by PHPMyAdmin. It's also open-source and free, so I wanna grab the chance learning it. I wanna take...
  17. jdunhin

    Create a php page-template

    Want to share some code that I used in my new Wordpress plugin. Maybe you can get something out of it. It is about creating a page-template.php and insert the necessary code in that page to make it one of the templates to use on a page. Create page: <?php $FileName = "example.php" ...
  18. Marc0

    PHP and MySQL tag team

    Good day everyone, I learned that many web developers are using PHP as their language of choice. It's a simple program to learn, as they say. To those who are just starting to learn like me, there are plenty of references over the internet which are truly helpful. One thing that I also notice...
  19. Marc0

    How can we create a database using PHP and MySQL?

    Hi All I am :confused: How can we create a database using PHP and MySQL? Only expert ... Thanks
  20. Marc0

    Who is the father of PHP and explain the changes in PHP versions?

    HI All, Can you Explain me. Who is the father of PHP and explain the changes in PHP versions? Randy Wilson