How to write SEO-Friendly Title that Google will love


Title is like the face of a fashion shop, the shop is clean eye-catching new attraction to visitors to visit the inside, similar, title or friendly and stimulate the visitor they New to click to follow the content inside. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the title of the SEO standard how to both contain keywords that the title is still good and attractive to the reader.

What is title?
Text is displayed first and is highlighted on the search result. That title tag, also known as title tag. The title tag will be located at the top of the article and it will have to be in the
tag, google will prioritize and identify the underlying content you are saying to write, so in order to increase the count Ideally you should insert at least one keyword that you are referring to in the title tag.

4 steps to write a quick SEO title

Step 1: The title tag is no more than 11 words and 170 characters, because if you do not meet this requirement, from the beginning of your title was not appreciated in Google and Google may index slowly.

Step 2: Combine the keywords you want to SEO into a title that is most logical and natural. It is very important to do so, the effect on the top of the keyword you want to push up new high.

Step 3: You need to build a title that fully and accurately describes what content you want to convey to the user.

Step 4: Finally, you should check the title on google to see the title of the board, and each sub-site help google distinguish the site, avoid duplicate content errors and create keyword diversity.

The four basic conditions to have a compelling title to the reader:
– Make sure the title and the content are related to each other
– Easy to read
– Stimulate the curiosity of the reader
– Must be a meaning & complete sentence.

Writing a standard SEO article does not necessarily appeal to the reader if there is a very generic or boring title. I hope this article will help you to improve your post title better.


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