My newest newest project eBook Listr - eBook Library Store


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2015
Hello. Today I want to share with you my newest website project.

This site is brand new, I literally reg'd it yesterday!

The site is

What is it? What will it be?

My intention and inspiration behind this site is several fold.

Firstly, eBooks (and reading them) have always been an interest to me. My smartphone is full of them!

I have eBooks on my phone and PC that cover many topics like how to / self help guides, instructional training, recipes, guides, even novels!

I love to read them when I'm just chilling or travelling to work on the train or in bed at night or something.

I'm not one of these people that spends all my time playing games, I'd rather use my time to learn something to better myself with.

Besides, playing games is non-productive and all you're really doing is getting the game dev rich while wasting time you could be using to improve and better yourself and your life with.

Although I do sometimes like to take a break from it all and play a fun game from time to time. I play pool and poker games mostly.

eBooks are like little individual pieces of power. Because after all "knowledge is power". And wisdom should be desired above gold, rubies and other treasure.

Gold rubies and other treasure, only generally come after you have the wisdom and power to get them. Unless you're a real life gold digger!

So I wanted a platform where I could upload, share and review all of my favorite eBook reads that I have used and found helpful to myself, my life or something somehow.

Also, the other side of it is, I'm going to be using phpBay to list eBooks on the site that are being sold on eBay by showing literally, lists of eBooks for sale in all categories!

Whether it's an eBook on make money online, IM, training, guides, novels and other literature, or even eBook collections, eBay has many many of them for sale.

Just go to eBay, search for "ebook" and you'll see what I mean. Also you can click the filter by sold option to see how many recently sold, what they were etc.

It's insane if I'm honest with you! I've been selling and watching eBooks being sold on eBay for years and they literally sell like hot cakes from a New York corner store!

Using phpbay plugin, I can show lists of eBooks for sale on my site and of course, I get paid a commission from any visitors I send to that eBay auction that purchase it with EPN (eBay Partner Network).

ATM, my site is really bare, I haven't even added anything to it yet, just doing some internal tweeks and that atm but will start adding some posts, pages etc soon.

I guess I should really have posted this, after I have done that and built the site up a little, and I don't normally tell people about my sites in any way until after I have built them up a bit.

I guess I can probably ask for a re-review from you later when that happens, but for now, I'd really only like to hear about what people think about the site idea, the site domain, name etc

And what you think of the business model behind the site as even though I have these ideas and others, to hear any ideas / feedback you may have about it also.

What I'm doing right now is working on adding categories for all the different types of eBooks there are.

Ebay doesn't really have that many categories for them. They are either a novel like horror, crime, romance, fantasy, sci-fi or something else or simply an IM type eBook that just goes in their "Everything Else" category.

So that's something I'm working on right now firstly. Although I'll probably use other sites for ideas,, etc

I'll probably have novel category, then have sub categories for them all like adventure, astrology, thriller, history, fantasy, reality, action, erotic, drama, crime, sci-fi, kids etc etc.

Then I'll probably do the same for self help guides, with sub categories for them, then same again for IM/make money ebooks too.

And one for collections as well, bundles etc. But these are just ideas on paper and in my head atm.

So yeah, that's my site and ideas for it. Let me know what you think! :)

PS. Sorry for the essay!


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2013
Yeah Its too new to give you more reviews on your sites.

Excluding a post with title "Welcome to eBook Listr" on its homepage make me more impressive. :rolleyes2:

What are your purposes when building this site? for hobby, sharing knowledge or for earning money?


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2015
Yeah Its too new to give you more reviews on your sites.
That's why I said I guess I can probably ask for a re-review from you later when that happens, but for now, I'd really only like to hear about what people think about the site idea, the site domain, name etc.
What are your purposes when building this site? for hobby, sharing knowledge or for earning money?
Yes, yes & yes. All of the above. :)


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2015
Looks like you are off to a good start Hawker - :thumb:

Not much to comment on until you get the site populated more.

As far as the domain goes - Sounds like it has something to do with Ebooks obviously - which is good - other than that it doesn't conjure any mental images for me. I'm not big on the misspelling thing - listr- but I guess it's not that big of a deal if you aren't trying to get traffic from people remembering and searching for your domain name.

Question - What are your traffic generation plans? Do you have a primary method in mind?


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2015
Thanks Ted. Yes I understand. Yes its about eBooks for sure. I've wanted to do a site like this for a long time actually, I did have some success with something quite similar in my very early days but it was more of a cookie cutter turnkey ebook script and had a lot of bugs, drawbacks and things and just ended up flipping it in the end. Life of a flippa!

Traffic generation. Hopefully I wont need to do any SEO on it and Google will just rank me #1 for everything to do with eBooks but that's not just going to happen, probably!

For now, I'm just working on Twitter side of it, following and networking with similar accounts, seeing what they're doing, retweeting their tweets, following their followers etc. As it turns out, there's quite a few similar accounts of sites doing the same sort of thing. This is where I'll get ideas from as time goes by.

Right now I need to think about way to come up with something of value and good use for the site and the best way to go about adding eBooks to it. Example, using a digital selling script/plugin or going with WooCommerce or some other shopping cart script/plugin. I need to get that right and think about the on-page SEO and usability rather than traffic promotion right now but feel free to suggest anything for me if there's some reason why you ask. :)

I did have another site before with listr in the domain instead of lister in the RC drone niche when drones took off last year. But I sold that site when it started taking off but the guy that bought it his marriage broke down, he got divorced, lost his house and then went offline and not seen or heard from him since. Don't know if it was my site that caused the marriage breakdown or not LOL but yeah, it seemed to add a "leet" element to it like. There are some big social media sites and other online stores etc that use the leet lazy spelling instead of the actual word. It's just a way of shortening the word and also making it more rememberable? as well. Eg; what was that ebook site with lister spelled listr oh yeah! Just something to identify the site with, it's own "quirky" element. ;)



Well-known member
Jul 15, 2015
The reason I asked about traffic generation is because I always have an idea in mind about how I am going to generate traffic for a site prior to launching the site. That is part of my standard prep of determining whether it makes sense to launch the site or not. I personally don't launch without first considering that. It is fundamental to my business plan. But that is just me. That is how I do things. I know that most people don't do it that way. That is really the only reason I asked. When I looked at your site, the thought crossed my mind. - I wonder where he is planning on getting his traffic from? That's all.

Its off to a good start. Good luck with it! :thumb:


Feb 14, 2016
Hi Hawker,
I would be happy to post a free ebook link on the site when and if you want.

Maybe you could do a review of these ebooks, or a promo blurb at least and add your affiliate link.

Or a supplier could even pay a fee for your honest review upfront? That kind of thing may require you to get some regular traffic first I guess.

Who knows if others are keen about doing that, but from a user's perspective there should be some value? Lot's of review sites around, but the value for all would be resting on the reputation you build up.

You could add some kind of visual rating system too.

You may even allow some kind of user vote? Good, Bad or Ugly!

You could demand original content... Or not...?

In my case the ebook is free, but users can pay to brand it as their own if they want in the funnel they would be sent to via a landing page.

My concern for you is how you manage the site, and that will be determined by whatever solution you choose I guess.

But for me as a user too, I would like to read a little blurb about whatever I was interested in.

That is sometimes lacking in sales promotions of course, as many times you are just guessing from the hype you are generally given. Not always, but often enough.

The name is OK, but I am not a fan of the tricky spelling really. Don't think it is a biggy anyway.

For the idea of which I speak, I may have gone with

Oh that's for sale for $4,500... Maybe not! :>)

Anyway, you get the drift.

Just a clear menu structure, and search to get around would be good, and a page for each item rather than the long page style of blogs which I dislike.

There are a few thoughts anyway.

cheers, Mal.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2015
Thanks Mal! Those are excellent suggestions!

Definitely going to consider some of those points and act on them.
That's a direction that I've been considering going as well anyway.
We will have free eBooks as well as premium ones.
The premium ones will have full descriptions, snip bits, blurbs etc.
The free ones will either just have download link attached or will probably use my digital script to deliver them.
Require people to login first to get them like.

And thanks a lot Ted for your valuable feedback, it's most appreciated senior!

I fully take your points on board and see why you're asking.

I've now set up the site a bit more so it's looking a bit more like I intended!

We have a bit more content on it with some working pages for eBook collections that are listing eBay auctions in the posts.

And a half-working menu showing some of the categories of eBooks we'll be adding to it.

I invite you to take another look now

Let me know about your feedback, suggestions, bug reports, kinks or quarks!

I don't ask for much do I!? ;)


Feb 14, 2016
Hi Hawker,
I am not a big fan of the shaded color of the graphics at the top.

Maybe a full colour band at the top with large font heading, and the images underneath that.

As it is the text is hard to read, and the images are faded.

Anyway, keep up the good work, and let me know when you want the eBook... :>)

If you look at a lot of the newer WordPress templates for instance, they do just that.

A clear band of color, and often moving images underneath that which look very effective.

It's one of the most popular themes ever, and it's super powerful.

Just an idea.

cheers, Mal.


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2015
Thanks a lot for your feedback Mal, I'll take a look at that theme and similar later if the site earns it ;)

Definitely can agree with what you're saying.
I think I can change some of those options in my customizer, font, shading color/opacity etc.

Will have a twiddle! lol

Thanks a lot though.

What I like about current theme is easy to work with, clean styling with several layouts and theme options, infinite scroll, schematic menu, font awesome icon ready etc.

I intend to have a lot of content on the site in many different categories.

Will have the eBay eBook auctions listed in posts and have downloads section that provides free and paid eBooks with instant download.

I just finished setting it up now, only have 1 eBook to download atm the latest Star Wars Force Awakens eBook but will add some free SEO/IM/MLM/Make money type eBooks shortly.

Please check it out and let me know how it works for you on the downloads page


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