What is msvalidate.01 meta tag? How do I create the code and tell me the benefits of applying on the websites.
Please reply my question in simple English
I am looking it up on the internet and unable to get such type of information.
The msvalidate.01 meta tag is a verification tag used by Bing Webmaster Center to verify that you are the owner of a website. To create the code, you will need to go to the Bing Webmaster Center and request a verification code. Once you have received the code, you will need to add it to the head section of your website's HTML code. The code should look like this:
Code snippet
<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="CODE_HERE" />
Use code with caution
Once you have added the code to your website, you can verify it by going back to the Bing Webmaster Center and clicking on the "Verify" button. If the code is correct, Bing will verify your website and you will be able to access all of the features of Bing Webmaster Center.
There are several benefits to applying the msvalidate.01 meta tag to your website. First, it will allow you to access all of the features of Bing Webmaster Center. This includes tools that can help you improve your website's SEO, track your website's traffic, and find and fix errors on your website. Second, the msvalidate.01 meta tag can help to prevent spam and malware from being added to your website. This is because Bing will not index websites that are not verified. Finally, the msvalidate.01 meta tag can help to improve your website's credibility. When potential customers see that your website is verified by Bing, they will be more likely to trust your website and do business with you.
If you have a website, I recommend that you add the msvalidate.01 meta tag to your website. It is a quick and easy way to improve your website's SEO, security, and credibility.