Where & how to put my ebook?


New member
Jan 22, 2015

I need some newbie guidance on what to do next with my ebooks.

I have finally managed to create two pdf ebooks using OpenOffice. They are now saved to my desktop. One is a giveaway to help build a list and the other is to sell to that list.

I anticipate getting a domain name and hosting through either hostgator or Bluehost and installing wordpress.org and then creating a small website or squeeze/landing page and setting up the email automation and payment probably using AWeber and PayPal. I am still working at figuring this process out. (Help with this would be appreciated).

What I really need to know is the actual process of ‘where and how' to place those two ebooks and how best to secure the paid ebook.

Do I simply place both ebooks directly into the media files of the wordpress site or do I upload them direct to the hostgator/Bluehost server? Or do I need to load them to both the wordpress site AND the server?

I would really appreciate some help and if anyone has a newbie friendly step by step guide for this that would be great. Thanks.



Staff Member
Sep 28, 2012

Do I simply place both ebooks directly into the media files of the wordpress site or do I upload them direct to the hostgator/Bluehost server? Or do I need to load them to both the wordpress site AND the server?

Hey Steve

You don't need to have more technique to do this.

You simply use plugins like
Ebook Store

to create a store or a mini shop where you can mange all requests or payments from your clients.

These plugins integrated more features that you don't need to care about security problem. Only customers who registered and paid for your ebooks then they are allowed to download your ebooks from member area or authorized links.

Let try and if you have any problems, go here for support.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012

What I really need to know is the actual process of ‘where and how' to place those two ebooks and how best to secure the paid ebook.

As @Tommy mentioned, if you are using wordpress cms, you don't need to care "where and how" to put your ebooks, just installing plugings and they will do it for you.

If you are using a cusom website by yourself then follow any simple steps to know "where and how" you need to do to sell your ebooks to customers

Where: Put it on your server (web hosting) in a folder and make your folder security as possible.

See: How to Password Protect a Directory on Your Website

After that you will do a member area where your customers login and download ebook.

How to do: create a register page and login form on your website for customers,

Create an Paypal Buy Now button and activate Paypal auto notifications when they paid for your ebook, it will automatically create an auto account for customer, they can login to member area (where they loggin) and download the ebook they bought.

Ebook download in Member area will will be hid direct link, it look like this

Using this link, you can hide direct link to your ebook from your web hosting.

I couldn't do complete codes for you, just guide you how to do that. You need to know about programming to build this script. :)

Hope it helps!


New member
Dec 15, 2014
I dont' know how you will market and promote your ebooks, besides putting ebooks on your website, you can also put your ebooks on some ebook marketpalce such as Clickbank.

James McAllister

Jan 23, 2015
I'd put the free eBook on your site and just noindex it.

I would sell your paid book through a program like Selz. You may also wish to publish on Amazon and Smashwords, which will distribute it to all of the other major eBook stores.

Selz is great for selling to the people you market to because they pay a higher commission than the other stores, but Amazon and SW are great at finding new buyers on their own without any marketing efforts on your own.

The Overseer

Active member
Jan 23, 2015
I anticipate getting a domain name and hosting through either hostgator or Bluehost and installing wordpress.org and then creating a small website or squeeze/landing page and setting up the email automation and payment probably using AWeber and PayPal. I am still working at figuring this process out. (Help with this would be appreciated).

Here is what I would suggest...

For the FREE eBook:

1. Create your squeeze/landing page to get subscribers.
2. Create a web form and place it in the sidebar of your site.
3. If the eBook is small enough in size, you can often attach it in your autoresponder so that new subs can download it directly from the email service provider.
4. Add the eBook to your site's library and create a download page where a new subscriber can access it. You'd have to place the link in your autoresponder anyway. You'd also want to add a "noindex" and "nofollow" and "noarchive" tag to the download page to keep it as hidden as possible...you will also want to name that page something like "xyz.com/onoerngnrgnrgogorgvv" NOT "xyz.com/download". Make sense?

For the premium eBook that you're going to charge for:

1. Publish the eBook to eJunkie or JVZoo. JVZoo is free and you can upload the eBook directly to the marketplace. Once a customer buys the product, JVZoo will send them the download link and allow them to get the eBook. eJunkie is $5/month as far as I know and it also allows you to upload the eBook to their secure server. A new customer will be able to access it.

This will be much more secure than hosting it on your own site and using Clickbank or any other 3rd party to manage it. Plus, JVZoo and eJunkie allow affiliates. So you can even recruit affiliates to sell the eBook.

I hope these steps help you out. Best of luck!


Jan 22, 2015
Great job man!

Just one quick opinion ....

Creating your own product, and setting it all up to start selling it with no technical problems, can take a lot of time and effort from your part.

If your goal is to just make money online - then you are taking the most frustrating route my friend!

Why not sell affiliate products?

Unless you have a good amount of money to outsource things, and have a lot of good experience with internet marketing, you are setting yourself up for many nights of frustration and headaches. I am telling you from my own experiences.

Also, once you start selling your products and grow big, you will have to deal with Returns, and customer support.

As an affiliate marketer, you don't have to worry about none of that!!

I find it a lot easier and more comfortable to sell affiliate products. I don't have to deal with the people who would want their money back for whatever reason, and all of the technical problems that come with all that!

The less things you have to get done, the more time and energy you will have to work on the most important part of this entire process. And that is TARGETED TRAFFIC.

Just think about this ..

Once you get it all set up and you are ready to sell your product online - the next step will be to drive a massive amount of targeted traffic to your pages online, IF you want to make good money here.

Having to deal with Customer Support, and Refunds, and technical problems, will only take away more time and energy from you - and you are not going to concentrate too much on driving more targeted traffic to your sites.

This is why Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest ways to make a lot of good money online!

Are you going to be able to outsource Customer Support, and the technical problems you will encounter along the way? .. if you can't right now, I highly suggest you to sell affiliate products, focus a lot more on traffic generation methods, and once you have a lot of money, THEN you can start selling your own products with less headaches!

This is just my advice from my own experiences!

To answer your question .. you can just upload your .PDF Files through your Wordpress Site. No need to upload them to your Hosting Sever.

You can do either one. No need to upload both ways.

I hope this helps!!

I wish you the best of the best!

Keep up the great work!

Cheers! :D


New member
Jan 22, 2015
Thanks guys, really appreciate your time, input and advice.

@Tommy, I like the idea of those plugins and have read the documentation and reviews for the ones you suggest. They would do the job I think. I also found another plugin. Have you had any experience with the WP eStore plugins?

@Webdesign, - When password protecting a directory, does everyone who gets an eBook need to be given a password or does this password simply protect that directory from access in general? If I intend on using an ecommerce plugin as suggested by Tommy or if I the WP eStore plugin, would this not affect the automation and security that these plugins provide? I am unclear on what this directory password protection actually protects and how that process would affect accessibility for those who legitimately get these books. Am I over thinking this? Can you explain this in ‘newbie' terms please?

@James McAllister, - Amazon is something that I will be looking at also. Lots more formatting involved and I will need to alter the PDF's to suit so yes I will be going there too. ePub. Kindle. MOBI etc. I also looked at Selz. Looks like another good option that I need to consider.

@The Overseer, - I like step by step processes. Helps a lot. My sticking points always tend to be the technical aspect of implementing these things and ‘how to actually do it'. There seems to be plenty of generic instructions available to do many things but very few on the specifics. I think most assume that we all know how do these things, but we don't.

@FreedomBlogger, - I appreciate your lengthy post. Very good advice and the affiliate side of things is something that I have sort of considered introducing into each of my own products. It is on the back burner. I will also be looking at adsense (or the one that I get paid if someone clicks on a related link that appears on my site. Still learning!).

This online venture is more of a ‘residual income/passive income' strategy that compliments an already established ‘bricks & mortar' business, so I won't be reliant upon it as my only source of income…….just yet. I am thinking longer term here and ‘retirement' money. I do have a website that was built for me many years ago that I have had little or nothing to do with ever since it was made. It is primarily for local search, local people and local business and was just viewed as an essential tool for business when I first got it. I actually thought it was a gimmick back then but as time has gone on it has been invaluable…….or certainly allowed me to keep in-line with my competitors.

I am now taking on a ‘pet project' that I can run parallel but separate from my ‘bricks & mortar' business. I offer a physical teaching service direct to customers so my eBooks are more in the way of information guides for those services. I obviously can't teach everyone on the planet in person so I have now adapted them for the wider market. It is my material. I wrote it and it is very specific and unique to a specific niche/market/service.

Creating my own producst seemed the most natural route because I already had the material to hand, I know the industry like the back of my hand and it's something that I never tire of. Of course, that doesn't mean that I will actually make anything from it online but I suppose if I don't try I'll never know. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

However, since beginning this venture I learn something new every day. Not just about internet marketing but about myself. The learning curve is a little tough at times but this process had opened my eyes to the possibilities and I definitely see much more opportunity with this. Once I have this ‘pet project' done I will probably recycle my new found knowledge and do it all again using a completely different niche/market. I have multiple hobbies and interests that I think I could adapt and if I get this one right it is these that I could probably go the affiliate route with. Of course, I may also make a complete pig's ear of it all and end up chasing my tail and give up but I doubt it. Time will tell.

Thanks again guys. I'm sure i'll have plenty of other questions so please be patient with me.

Edit - Apologies for the poor spacing above. I typed this out in word and I can't seem to insert any spaces. That's my computer/internet ‘tech' stuff or ‘lack of it' showing.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
If I have this correct, here is the process I should be following from my starting point as only having the eBooks created so far:

1. Create PDF eBooks done (placed on desktop/pen drive)
2. Get domain done
3. Get hosting done
4. Install wordpress done
5. Install a theme Need to choose and do
6. Install ecommerce plugins Need to choose and do
7. Install payment gateway Need to do (PayPal)
8. Get autoresponder done (AWeber)
9. Integrate ecommerce + autoresponder + payment gateway Need to do
10. Create squeeze page for freebie eBook Need to do
11. Create landing pages for paid eBooks Need to do
12. Upload eBooks to wordpress site or to a directory on my server Need to do
13. Password protect the directory Need to do
14. Marketing & Drive traffic - Need to do

If I have the order or the process wrong/correct can you let me know? I would also appreciate it if anyone can be more detailed and specific on the process for each stage.



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
@Webdesign, - When password protecting a directory, does everyone who gets an eBook need to be given a password or does this password simply protect that directory from access in general? If I intend on using an ecommerce plugin as suggested by Tommy or if I the WP eStore plugin, would this not affect the automation and security that these plugins provide? I am unclear on what this directory password protection actually protects and how that process would affect accessibility for those who legitimately get these books. Am I over thinking this? Can you explain this in ‘newbie' terms please?
As said it was for a custom site which you will build from scratch so that you need protect files.

This link already contains hidden link for download, which you can change anytime for direct link for download :).

In other words, if you are using plugins or existing scripts, they built security or protect files for you and you don't need to use time for security, care on you business and promotions to increase sales for your ebooks. :)


Mar 7, 2015
I suggest you use THIRD PARTY to manage the deliverance & deliver your ebook. Such as JVZoo, Warriorplus, Clickbank n so on. If you ask me, personally i recommend other better merchant which is ZAXAA. Neither am i affiliated to Zaxaa nor own it. I just recommend it coz i really grateful with their services. They dont spam your buyer list like the JV*** did.

Your buyer list will be store in your dashboard. If you want your datebase to be put on your autoresponder, you can do so be setting a few things up.

Another advantages are they also have you option either to put the sales letter on their own provided page (on their server) or on your own custom page @ domain. Also, you can store the ebook to their server so that you can use it to deliver to your customer immediately after they purchased.

Using these 2 options can save you from hosting & domain cost.
But you still need hosting services to host your squeeze page. If you want free option, then building squeeze page @ sales page using blogspot also a good option. :)


Active member
Mar 19, 2015
Google Lee McIntyre at Get Momentum. He was a business studies teacher in High School and started online selling his lesson plans. Now 5 years on he's a 7 figure marketer. You might find some tips just from his bio.

I would also suggest that you look at building a sales funnel, perhaps offering a video version at a higher price or even finding complementary affiliate products that you could offer as an upsell.

Make sure that you have a couple of affiliate offers on your download page as well. Internet marketing is all about making as many offers to your customer as you can to maximise your income streams, and offers on the download page usually convert really well, providing of course that they are well targeted and good quality.
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