I am currently running pop and banner traffic.
What exactly do you mean by "pop". I assume you mean pop-ups (of some sort)???
If I've read your question correctly, you're saying that you have $1,000 to spend on
lead generation, correct?
I would strongly advise you to get into some sort of CPA network as most of them
have specialists and advisers who can assist you. As with anything, the key to this
is doing your research and using due diligence when it comes to selecting which one
(or more) you will go with.
Before you even go that route though, I would spend a little time making sure that
whatever offers you are promoting have been fully tested funnel wide. Test all of
your pages on all possible browsers and devices. Ensure all of your opt-in pages
appear properly and that they function properly.
Nothing worse than paying good money (is there really such a thing as "bad" money)
only to find out your server can't handle the amount of traffic you could receive or
that your order links are 404's or that your lead page looks like yesterdays dinner at
the wart-hog festival on the most popular browser or device being used by your
targeted audience.
I would also spend a decent amount (by decent, I mean enough to do it right) on
some split testing. Create several versions of your offer pages and see which one
converts well, or better. Keep tweaking until you find some "knock your mamma out"
Once you find what's working best, duplicate it and scale up. If done right, you could
easily turn that $1k into $10k, $100,000K even.