whmcs addon

  1. Skynet-Hosting

    Alert: WHMCSServices Hacked - Implications for Hosting Providers

    Greetings, Recent Hack of WHMCSServices In December 2023, a notable incident occurred involving WHMCSServices, a popular provider of WHMCS modules. It was discovered that their modules were compromised with malicious code. Broader Impact and Coincidental Breaches The hack's ramifications...
  2. Dewlance

    WTS DemoTiger - Video Knowledgebase for WHMCS/Blesta/WP/HostBill - Top WHMCS Addon

    Exclusive Offer for Forum Web Users. DemoTiger provides a series of high-quality video tutorials for Web Hosting companies. Videos with high-quality audio and text instructions. You can integrate with your WHMCS/Blesta or HostBill Billing Software. DemoTiger is Top Rated WHMCS Addon. Videos...