Search results

  1. smmgoal
  2. smmgoal

    One of the Web Hosting Company on Sell

    Prices looks good still same ?
  3. smmgoal

    24/7 Server Management Service

    still valid please tell me ?
  4. smmgoal

    Do you check provider's network before purchasing a Dedicated Server?

    I like to do this but how to check provider's network is good or not? Do they really provide real information for us?
  5. smmgoal

    WTS Promote YOUR Site in My Newest Software Creation

    I think its over.
  6. smmgoal

    WTB I need Ads for my website

    We accept most sites in the entertainment, humor, gaming niches.
  7. smmgoal

    WTS Really Cheap US Google Developer Account

    do you still have this prices ?
  8. smmgoal

    WTS Increase Alexa Rank And Website Visibility For Less $$$

    Its very nice thank you.
  9. smmgoal

    WTS Advertise With Us

    still valid ?
  10. smmgoal

    Cheap Managed VPS

    you are looking for the impossible, there is no such thing as a managed, good and reliable VPS under $10/month even if it comes with a free
  11. smmgoal

    How to start with unmanaged VPS?

    cPanel and Plesk, it covers all aspects of server and site management.
  12. smmgoal

    Which VPS would you get OpenVZ or KVM

    Never been a a fan of shared resources even though it is possible to over commit with KVM.
  13. smmgoal

    What is VPS?

    VPS service 90% will be same from host to host. You will need to manage and configure it from your end as VPS are un-managed. If you are not familiar with the server setup then you should go with the reseller service. Reseller will be the best option for small companies. You can setup your own...
  14. smmgoal

    Reduce server response time

    any misconfigured software or hardware firewall denying or limiting the connection rate causing the issue.
  15. smmgoal

    OVH ignores DMCA?

    Hi Sharkservers, I saw you built your own data center beside the OVH, hows everything going on ?
  16. smmgoal

    Which VPS Host to Chose?

    You may try quality VPS accounts from and
  17. smmgoal

    WTB Google Plus Friend auto adder

    i think there is no service like this. does anyone else know about this..?
  18. smmgoal

    WTS 200 Big Pinterest Board Invites $99

    Are any of the boards you have related to such industries/topics/niches?