Tips To Drive Quality Traffic To Your Squeeze Page


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
Hey there!

I haven't been around much lately and haven't really posted much here but I've seen that many people are having problems driving great quality traffic to their websites.

So.. I decided to contribute to the community with this post about the different options available to get great free quality traffic.

Without further ado let's dive into it!

1. Forums: Forums are a place in which people can ask just about any question on any topic and get a variety of different answers. Unlike blogs, forums often contain short answers in response to a direct question.

A simple Google search will generally lead you to the most popular forums in a niche. After all, that's probably how the people in that niche are finding them.

Unlike blogs, often people on the forums are NOT experts and do not have to establish credibility. This is both a positive and a negative.

The negative is that ANYONE (expert or not) can answer a question. This leads to a lot of bad advice and people starting fights (for fun or malice).

The positive is that if you provide GOOD answers, you will be head and shoulders above the rest of the people posting.

2. Blogs: Blogs are Big for Traffic - Like forums, blog commenting is about driving traffic back to your opt-in page. Unlike forums, the point of blog commenting often isn't to answer a question. It's to weigh in on the blog with your own thoughts.

3. Guest Blogging: One of the best sources of high quality traffic is Guest Blogging, if you haven't heard of blogging yet, you have been living under a rock! Blogs are websites on which experts discuss topics in a casual, essay-like format. Guest blogging is when another expert (like YOU) writes a post on someone else's blog. That's Free Traffic from Other People's Blogs!

4. Craigslist: When you think of marketing, I'm assuming Craigslist isn't the first thing that pops in your head. If you think about it, though, Craigslist is one of the most popular sites on the web and it reaches millions of people.

Advertising on Craigslist may seem difficult, but it's actually quite simple.

Here are the two basic ways to promote on Craigslist:
Craigslist Discussion Boards/Forums
Small Biz Ads - Many people don't even know this section of craigslist exists (just be careful with the sites rules).

5. Yahoo Answers: Yahoo! Answers and other similar Q & A websites have become increasingly popular for finding answers to every type of question in every niche. Whether you are specializing in online marketing, health, dating… there will ALWAYS be questions that need answers.

Best of all, Google LOVES these sites. They rank high in Google's results.

6. Twitter: Social Media is more than a buzzword. Years of successful business campaigns using Social Media to grow lists have proven this.

With a bigger name product, social media is a given. But for most marketers with email start-ups, it's often an afterthought. Well, their loss is your gain! Twitter is an easy to use social media tool that can drive traffic to your opt-in page.

I truly hope this information helps you drive more traffic to your website/squeeze page, and always remember to take action! start implementing them right away!

To your success,
Jonathan N
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New member
Sep 16, 2013
3. Guest Blogging: One of the best sources of high quality traffic is Guest Blogging, if you haven't heard of blogging yet, you have been living under a rock! Blogs are websites on which experts discuss topics in a casual, essay-like format. Guest blogging is when another expert (like YOU) writes a post on someone else's blog. That's Free Traffic from Other People's Blogs!

5. Yahoo Answers: Yahoo! Answers and other similar Q & A websites have become increasingly popular for finding answers to every type of question in every niche. Whether you are specializing in online marketing, health, dating… there will ALWAYS be questions that need answers.
I thought guest blogging is a paid service and found that it's difficult to find blogs for guest post.

I heard more about Yahoo Answers and I tried but I haven't seen any benefits yet about traffic or rankings from it, do you know any ways to measure results from Yahoo answers bring to your site?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
It comes down to the blog itself depending on the blog the admin might charge you a certain amount, however there are blogs out there that will accept guest bloggers, all you have to do is talk to them and ask them if they would be willing to accept a guest post, while you are doing this make sure to give them 3 possible topics for the blog post in question this way you will put yourself in a position where you actually know what you are doing and not someone that wants to get some traffic out of their site.

Creating a great blog post is very time consuming so many people are willing to accept your help writing content, and even more if it's for free!. Just remember, always create high quality post and always over-deliver, show them why they want your posts in their blog!

Now.. Yahoo answers, the two things you always have to have in mind are:
1. CTR: Click-through rate in case you don't know is the metrics that allows you to know how many people are actually clicking your add/link. This is something you always have to collect data from, to any marketer data is essential to their success, being able to monitor how useful something is can be the difference between wasting a lot of time into something that might not show results and maximizing your results, e.g. let's say that you are trying a new traffic tactic, for this example I will choose craigslist.

In craigslist I will post an offer, now what I want to know is how many people are actually clicking my ads, how many go to my site/squeeze page, and how many actually convert (convert will be the people that do what you want them to do, being buying something, opting-in for a video, ebook, audio, etc., social sharing, and so on and so forth), knowing this is essential to any marketer because it will allow you to tweak your ads in case one is not working meaning not driving traffic or not working as good as you would like it to be, sometimes changing just one word can increase your conversions a hole lot!.

2. Conversion rate: this is the purpose of doing what you are doing, say getting new subscribers to your list, sharing content, etc. This is the metrics that lets you know how many people are doing exactly what you want, if you increase your conversion rate you will get more sales, subscribers, shares, etc., basically anything you want people to do.

Yahoo answers is not as easy as other methods but as long as you provide high quality answers you will most likely be the "best answer" allowing you to be at the very top of all answers getting you traffic to your sites, and be creative don tell them everything in case you have a blog post redirect them to that post by saying something like "there is a lot more to this than that but I'm afraid I don't have enough space here for more, if you want to know more about this please visit my blog post where I explain everything in more detail", and you leave your post right next to that. With this technique you will be able to have two links, one in the body telling them to go to your blog post and the other in the source section.

In order to track your results I recommend HyperTracker, it allows your links, please go to their website for a more detail explanation about how HyperTracker works .

I hope this answers your question and helps you get better results.

To your success,
Jonathan N
Mar 30, 2015
By doing few simple things you can drive traffic to your squeeze page, here are the possible things for which I am talking about:
1.) Forum posting: Do quality post only in High PR sites.
2.) Web 2.o: Use high quality content in web 2.o and do keyword stuffing some high PR informative sites.
3.) QnA: Post question and create topic relevant to the site and tag it in your discussion.
4.) Social bookmarking: It is very essential to increase the visibility in search engine.

I am sure by doing all this, you can increase the traffic to your squeeze page or landing page.


Jun 24, 2013
nesito29, thank you a lot! I really enjoyed your article. It is interesting and inspiring. I will definitely use some of your tips in my work.


New member
Apr 2, 2015
Great article, I haven't consider Craigslist, I will check and let you know the results, also g+ you haven't mentioned while I found it to be extremely usefull.



Active member
Apr 7, 2015
Free Methods to drive traffic has been covered in this posts, let me dive in and share with you some paid traffics that I use.

Facebook Ads - This is really a great method to drive "Ultra" targeted traffic to your website. If you don't know yet, you can setup your ads to be shown geographically, age, gender, page that they liked and down to the events they attended.

This is really a great deal as the more targeted your lead the higher the conversion.

Banner Ads - Banner Ads is another good traffic source that I use, they are cheap and can drive targeted traffic to your landing page. Not to mention that there are a lot of options out there that you can use.

Email Drop - This is one my most favorite traffic source as email drops are warm and targeted traffic to your offers. I say warm because the owner of the email list has an existing relationship with them thus when they "endorse" your offer the trust is transferred to you thus having higher conversion with your offer.

However before you start diving in to paid traffic, you should first find/own a product with deep funnel so you can cover up the expense


New member
Oct 23, 2013
1. Forums: Forums are a place in which people can ask just about any question on any topic and get a variety of different answers. Unlike blogs, forums often contain short answers in response to a direct question.
I'm caring on this point because mostly I used forums to drive traffic to my squeeze page or blog.
Do you have experience or ways on how to choose forums that suit for our niche and more potential to drive traffic to our page?
Do I should choose forums that more active members, more posts/threads or high traffic?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2015
Ok let me answer your questions one by one.
Do you have experience or ways on how to choose forums that suit for our niche and more potential to drive traffic to our page?
Ans: Yes I have experience choosing what forums to choose, however I don't know what niche you are in, so I cant't tell you what forums are great, what I can do is however tell you how to find great high ranking forums (they drive high amounts of traffic every month).
Go to your browser e.g. Google and type ''your niche + forum'' (that's the niche of your selection the actual plus sign and forums) and if you want to be even more specific type ''your niche + forum + country'' (meaning your niche, the plus sign, forum, plus sign, the country of your selection).

Do I should choose forums that more active members, more posts/threads or high traffic?
Ans: What you want are high ranking forums meaning authority sites, those are the best since they drive massive amounts of traffic to their site, this means many more people to redirect to your sites. Posts and threads are irrelevant since high ranking forums will always have many.

I hope this answers your questions, if you have any other question then please let me know.

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