How can you ensure that your domain name is always pointing to the correct website or hosting provider?


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2014
Hi everyone,

I've recently moved my website to a new hosting provider, and I want to make sure that my domain name always points to the correct website or my hosting provider. What are some steps I can take to ensure this?
I'm using a popular domain registrar and I have access to my domain's DNS records. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

David Beroff

Well-known member
Jun 14, 2016
When you move your website to a new hosting provider, it's essential to ensure that your domain name always points to the correct website. To do this, there are a few steps you can take.

First, you need to update your DNS records. You can do this by going into your domain registrar's account and editing the DNS settings. Make sure that your domain's DNS records are pointing to the correct nameservers provided by your new hosting provider. You can usually find these details in your hosting account or by contacting your hosting provider's support team.

To update your DNS records, you should log into your domain registrar's account and navigate to the DNS settings section. There, you can edit the DNS settings to ensure that your domain is pointing to the correct nameservers provided by your new hosting provider. The process may vary depending on your domain registrar, but most registrars have clear instructions and guides to follow.

Additionally, you can set up domain forwarding if you want to redirect your domain to a new URL. This is especially useful if you want to move your website to a new domain or if you've rebranded your business. Domain forwarding will ensure that anyone who types in your domain name is automatically redirected to the new website. You can set up domain forwarding in your domain registrar's account settings.

If you want to redirect your domain to a new URL, you can set up domain forwarding. This is particularly useful when you want to move your website to a new domain or if you've rebranded your business. To set up domain forwarding, go to your domain registrar's account settings and look for the domain forwarding option. From there, you can enter the new URL that you want to redirect your domain to.
It's also essential to make sure that your domain's contact information is up to date, including your email address. This will ensure that you receive any important notifications from your domain registrar regarding your domain name. You should also enable domain privacy protection, which will hide your contact information from the public WHOIS database and protect you from spam and other unwanted communication.
Finally, it's a good practice to periodically check your domain's DNS settings and make any necessary updates to ensure that your domain is always pointing to the correct website or hosting provider. You can also set up email or SMS alerts to notify you when changes are made to your domain's DNS settings. This will help you stay on top of any potential issues and ensure that your domain is always pointing to the correct location.

I hope this helped.
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