5 Easy Digital Product Profit Idea's

Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
There are so many ways to earn a living online. So much so that at times it can be overwhelming, information overload. A problem that stops many from attempting anything, or getting anything finished.

It's no secret that digital products are one of my favorite ways to generate some cash from the Internet.

So I thought I'd throw out some idea's, mainly what's worked for me for many years now. Ones that are not that difficult to implement.

Before I get started, I feel I should issue a disclaimer. Just in case. Some folks just don't' think.

Make sure you have the rights to sell or edit the digital product your looking to use. You can NOT take one of Frank Kerns ebooks and sell it or use it for your own purposes. Don't know why I used that name. First one to come to mind. Or his mind control is working :)

Now that we have that out of the way...

Let's get to some goodness.

1. Simply Resell

It doesn't get much easier than this. Take an ebook you have rights to and put it up for sale. There are so many ways to sell digital products these days, there are no excuses.

You could create pay pal buttons, copy and paste them into your sales page and done. Not the best route, but down and dirty easy.

There are several sales platforms such as Warrior+ or JVzoo. Very easy to use and take little time to set up.

Want to sell many products, a shopping cart systems might be a good choice.

2. List Building and Email Marketing

Okay, granted this one may not be money up front, but hear me out...

Standard practice when building a email list is to offer a "bribe" or "gift" to entice the visitors to submit their email address.

We all know this.

And digital products like short reports can be a great way to get that subscriber.

They could also be gifts and presents after you have the person on your list. Building trust, goodwill, a relationship. Just don't give to many gifts or it might be all your subscribers expect and not want to buy anything.

Plus they can be one f the quickest way to get started building a list.

As for the money?

You build a list, a powerful asset you could promote too far into the future. There's your cash.

Other idea's on this below.

3. Quick Sales Funnel

So many people leave money on the table. Hate to say that because it is said so often, almost like a over-used cliché.


It's very true.

Digital products to the rescue... Giddy up

When I say marketers are leaving money I am talking about their sales funnel.

Someone opts into your list, give them the option to buy something. They trusted you enough to give you their email address, they are going to be a little more likely to purchase what you're selling.

They buy something from you, so they trusted you enough to give you their money, why not try to sell them another product? Most people call it a one time offer, or it could be an upsell. Either way, they've proven they are buyers, why not try to sell them more? Not saying you should blast them with upsell after upsell, that might really bug some folks.

Say they don't buy what your offering, you could see if they want a lower priced version, usually referred to as a downsell. A slightly stripped down version. Why not? They were leaving anyways.

At the very least, you need to put stuff for sale on your download pages, whether it's for an list optin or a paid product download page. Believe me, some of the DO buy.

I don't remember the stats, but it's no secret that it's easier to sell something to a previous customer, than a brand spanking new one.


4. Add More Value

So this one can go two different ways.

You could take an existing ebook for example and add to it, more content, more pages. Which could increase the value. I think many of us have read something and noticed where we could add to it.

Make it larger, it's more unique, it could be sold at a higher price.

What about an "Updated" or "Revised" edition?


That's one way.

Use them as bonus items. You see marketers just about every day "Buy through my link and get these bonuses worth over 1 Billion dollars!"

Okay, that might be slightly exaggeration, but you know what I am talking about. They do it because it works.

Doesn't have to be for promoting other people's products, you could include bonus items with your own products and increase your sales conversions. Or add more to justify a higher price tag.

5. Repurpose

I saved the best for last. Least it's the best in my book and I'll explain why.

So, here's the deal, digital products do not have to stay in the same format.

Many of them can be changed and turned into something "different".

And Bingo Bango...

YOU have a brand new digital product that NO one has ever seen before.

Better yet you have now have something to sell that NO one else is selling.


Make you think? It should.

Want some examples?

Figured you would...

• Articles could be turned into reports, lead magnets or ebooks.

• Articles could be used as blog posts or website content.

• Articles could be turned into audio's

• Articles could be turned into video's

• Ebooks could be turned into audios just be reading them out loud into a mic.

• Ebooks could be tuned into videos or power point slides.

• Video's could be used to create a membership site to flip or resell

• Sales page templates could be reused

and the list goes on.

My point is to take one thing and make something new out of it and you then have something that is exclusive. You could be the only one selling it, and in some cases you sell it for more.


I did not cover every possibility, but I think that is more than enough to get your started. You really don't have any excuses left. You can do it, you're smart. So take some action TODAY and make it happen.

Do you have anything to add? Comments? Bring Snacks? Feedback? Questions?


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
My point is to take one thing and make something new out of it and you then have something that is exclusive. You could be the only one selling it, and in some cases you sell it for more.
Based on past conversations you and I have had on other threads, I know you are I are on the same page about this one, so I thought as another "active" reseller, I would come and "back you up" (though, I didn't bring any snacks, can I just have some of your popcorn? LOL)...

Anyways, I couldn't agree with that statement more (the one I quoted).

On one of my own "reseller" membership sites, I offer tips & tricks for resellers and one that I am CONSTANTLY going back to again and again is to CHANGE SHIT UP!!!

So many times you see people selling the same exact thing as hundreds of others and I always ask myself WHY?!? Everyone seems to take a product, throw up the generic sales page (and by "generic", I simply mean the one the original product owner provided) and throws it up on their site and expects to make a killing.

Years ago, you could do that because there was not as much competition.

Now a days? Not AT ALL...

People NEED to take the time to "FLIP" these products into something entirely different, new and exciting... at least to a point that makes it different ENOUGH than what every other tom, dick and harry is selling...

As the owner of a couple of resale membership sites, I am also a member of MANY as well. What always kills me is how many people have virtually unlimited access to so many other resources that would make this task a breeze, yet they continue to resell the items AS IS...

I call it "Lazy Selling"...

If you have access to hundreds, thousands even, of website templates, graphic and image sets, article sets and everything else you would possibly need... it would not take TOO much effort to give an old product a new sales page, updated content, and whoila, in a matter of LESS THAN AN HOUR, you have virtually a whole new product (or again, one that is at least DIFFERENT enough, to warrant higher sales)...

Another idea, which is where I honestly make most of my money, is turning articles, ebooks and videos into brandable products as well as adding elements to make it a completely different (read: N-E-W) product...

Going with much of what you said, I will usually...
(1) take a set of articles,
(2) find a corresponding/complimenting ebook,
(3) ADD some of the articles into the ebook making a "newer version".

I will then...
(4) turn it into an ebook that others can brand
(5) record it to mp3 (audio) or mp4 (video) -- sometimes both
(6) gather up some new graphics (and by "new" I do not necessarily mean newly created, but rather graphics that did not come with the original product)
(7) add those graphics to a website template to create a whole new salespage....

Now, as I said above, in less than an hour, I have a BRAND NEW PRODUCT GROUP with a BRAND NEW SALESPAGE (which 99.999% of the time is much better than the original anyway).

A lot of times, I will simply sell the new ebook by itself and offer the audio and video files as an up-sell.

Now, in one fell swoop, I have created a new product, with a new (unseen) salespage, AND a complete sales funnel...

These always sell much QUICKER and EASIER than simply taking the same old product and reselling it as is.

AND, they always command a much higher price too...

GREAT POST RON, Keep 'em coming...

Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
Appreciate the input, as always.

Lazy is one way to put it. Been more than guilty myself.

I believe most people just want to get up as much stuff as they can in the shortest possible time. Obviously. Heck from what I've seen many can't even take the time to write a descent product description or descent sales letter. Why bother? Maybe it works for them.

But, to some peoples defense...

I have no doubt you could hack something up but good in an hour, but might not be the same for so many others?

And how many people can type it out it out like you. :)

I also know many people have trouble with the things we might think are easy, like creating ecovers, editing or creating PDF's, ect. I have customers asking all the time.

But yes, of course I agree, without a doubt, changing it up and make such a HUGE difference. Your spot on, the time it takes could very well be worth it.

Even simple things like creating a new ecover. If we stop and think about it, there are so many older ebooks that have evergreen content, but their cover and sales letters make them look so out dated.

Instead of taking weeks or months to create a new product, people could re-do an existing one.

Awesome additions!


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2015
...You can NOT take one of Frank Kerns ebooks and sell it or use it for your own purposes. Don't know why I used that name. First one to come to mind. Or his mind control is working :)
Yep, that's his thing, mind control and I see he got you haha... :DD:

That was a good read bro and I also recommend list building and re-purposing products as well. It really helps any digital product creators to maximize revenue.

Great post, I believe many will find it useful.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
I have no doubt you could hack something up but good in an hour, but might not be the same for so many others?
And how many people can type it out it out like you.
I also know many people have trouble with the things we might think are easy, like creating ecovers, editing or creating PDF's, ect. I have customers asking all the time.
Hey Ron, I completely agree with your statements like "how many people can...". I understand
not EVERYONE finds it as easy (heck, I've been doing it for years, so of course it comes easy,
even natural sometimes, for me).

My general point was simply that with a little time and effort, anyone CAN take an older product
and create a BRAND NEW product out of it (whether it takes an hour or a week) and even make
more of a killing
off of it than the original creator did -- I see that time and time again.

The real trick, however, is to change up the content enough that when someone purchases
it, who also purchased the original, they are not overly upset when they realize it is rehashed
PLR, because it really isn't the same thing -- it's much better and worth the added investment.

Simply putting a new cover SOMETIMES isn't enough. I say SOMETIMES because quite honestly, as I
am sure you can attest yourself, the ugly cover or non-informative salespage is what made the product
bomb the first time around...

I've seen many products start at a selling point of $27, $37 and even $47 and end up in the bargain
basement (by it's own creator) because it "bombed" when all it really needed was a better sales pitch,
a classier sales page or a more colorful ecover, LOL.

I loved your original post, I was merely trying to reiterate and backup your statements of repurposing
and letting others know that it is VERY POSSIBLE to make a killing by simply repurposing a product and
repackaging it -- from someone who not only gets up on the soap box to preach it, but practices it on
a daily basis to boot.

For those who do not find it to be such an easy feat, there are plenty of people out there, myself
included, who will do it for them, for a small fee. A one time investment of having someone flip an
older product for you could lead to some very killer paydays...

Now, how about sharing some of that damn popcorn you popcorn hog ;)

Ooh, and by the way, my "Lazy Selling" comment was not meant in a derogatory way. Many people,
myself included, take reseller products, throw them up and try to make sales... And there's absolutely
nothing wrong with it at all. One of my biggest revenue streams comes from a site on which I just upload
and resell resale products.

The greatest part of the internet in whole is it's massive size. Just because you and I are selling the same
exact thing does not mean we are targeting the same audience, so there is nothing wrong with that at all.

I know YOU did not take offense to that comment, but I figured I'd post this before anyone else does, lol.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2015
Speaking of list building and e-mail marketing, I'm about to send out an e-mail broadcast right now. :) You're right about giving away too many things for free. A lot of people don't like spending money in the "make money online" niche especially. They think everything should just be free. It's a mentality thing because I've noticed that other niches aren't like this. Refunds are practically non-existent.


Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
Hey Ron, I completely agree with your statements like "how many people can...". I understand
not EVERYONE finds it as easy (heck, I've been doing it for years, so of course it comes easy,
even natural sometimes, for me).

My general point was simply that with a little time and effort, anyone CAN take an older product
and create a BRAND NEW product out of it (whether it takes an hour or a week) and even make
more of a killing
off of it than the original creator did -- I see that time and time again.

The real trick, however, is to change up the content enough that when someone purchases
it, who also purchased the original, they are not overly upset when they realize it is rehashed
PLR, because it really isn't the same thing -- it's much better and worth the added investment.

Simply putting a new cover SOMETIMES isn't enough. I say SOMETIMES because quite honestly, as I
am sure you can attest yourself, the ugly cover or non-informative salespage is what made the product
bomb the first time around...

I've seen many products start at a selling point of $27, $37 and even $47 and end up in the bargain
basement (by it's own creator) because it "bombed" when all it really needed was a better sales pitch,
a classier sales page or a more colorful ecover, LOL.

I loved your original post, I was merely trying to reiterate and backup your statements of repurposing
and letting others know that it is VERY POSSIBLE to make a killing by simply repurposing a product and
repackaging it -- from someone who not only gets up on the soap box to preach it, but practices it on
a daily basis to boot.

For those who do not find it to be such an easy feat, there are plenty of people out there, myself
included, who will do it for them, for a small fee. A one time investment of having someone flip an
older product for you could lead to some very killer paydays...

Now, how about sharing some of that damn popcorn you popcorn hog ;)

Ooh, and by the way, my "Lazy Selling" comment was not meant in a derogatory way. Many people,
myself included, take reseller products, throw them up and try to make sales... And there's absolutely
nothing wrong with it at all. One of my biggest revenue streams comes from a site on which I just upload
and resell resale products.

The greatest part of the internet in whole is it's massive size. Just because you and I are selling the same
exact thing does not mean we are targeting the same audience, so there is nothing wrong with that at all.

I know YOU did not take offense to that comment, but I figured I'd post this before anyone else does, lol.
Some good points as usual. As for some of the things we think are easy, they are probably only easy because we've done them so many times. Can't image how many eCovers I've made over the years.

I see what you mean by changing it enough so some one won't get upset if they already bought it. Makes sense. On the other hand, what is a new modern good cover worth to some one who doesn't know how to make covers. Or a new salespage? Or, if we add enough, it could very well be worth more to the buyer. They could have a much better product to sell and could be easier to sell.

Could go either way :)

Dang it, was going to tell you the popcorn was all gone. Funny the wife did make popcorn the night you mentioned it. I said I did not want any, but after smelling it while she was eating it, I finished it off when she had enough. So your out of luck. Maybe next time I'll bring the Cheetos :)

Think the same myself, the net is a huge place. No one person will see all the same pages, or stuff for sale.

Of course no offense. And who can get a word in while you're on your soap box anyways? JK lol

Speaking of list building and e-mail marketing, I'm about to send out an e-mail broadcast right now. :) You're right about giving away too many things for free. A lot of people don't like spending money in the "make money online" niche especially. They think everything should just be free. It's a mentality thing because I've noticed that other niches aren't like this. Refunds are practically non-existent.

You got it. We all know there are too many people giving away too much for nothing. Just amazing. It is also making it harder for others. Well, goes back to some of the points in my original post, having something different.

I guess I have a different experience, I think many people buy products and services in the make money niche. Just because of the dream to get rich and related. Heck look at the WSO section of the WF. If that's not proof enough, I don't know what is. Or how many of those products are sold on JVzoo. Might not be as good as other niches, like you mentioned, but plenty of people buying.

Think it was last year, I had some one contact me. Wanted to know which products I had that would actually make him money. Said he's spent alot of money on make money products and hasn't had any success. He even went on to list all the products by name and how much they cost. He bought some expensive stuff. Over 10k at least.

I had a pretty good idea why he have not found any success and I don't think he liked my rely (was nice, but honest). He is just one of many people who spend big. There are so many out there. If they only knew why, they wouldn't need to buy so much.

Sorry to go off on tangent. Just have a different view :)


Feb 14, 2016
Hi Ron Killian,

Awesome content from all above thanks.

I do think that it is worth a reminder that the internet is such a big place that people should not be too worried about just renaming a product that they purchase, and putting it up for sale as you have said.

For those starting out it is a way for them to get a foot in the door.

Giving it a new look is something that is easy to do too.

A place like Warrior Plus or JVzoo will not accept anything other than original material, but there are so many other places to present a product that it should not be too much of a problem.

I just think people should just give it a go. Take Action as they say.

If you are feeling a little nervous about creating something from scratch, then purchase something similar to what you would like to produce and get it out there with your name on it.

A great learning curve at the very least.

cheers, Mal.
Last edited:

Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
Hey Mal,

Glad you liked it and thanks for your comment.

I have yet to hear of Warrior+ or JVZoo not accepting anything but the original. JVZoo might be better, but I see different sellers on Warrior+ selling the same things over and over. Or it's not monitored or an unwritten rule.

You got it, nothing will happen till you take action :)


Feb 14, 2016
Hi Ron,
I guess it was just my impression, but I was pretty sure that both do prefer original products, but I could not see anything specifically today about that at JVzoo at a quick glance.

This is a snippet from Warrior Plus though;
In the meantime we recommend that Vendors focus on creating quality, original products that will be of value to the community, and selling them for at least a minimal price to generate new, quality leads in their business.

Maybe not monitored as you say.

I am sure I have noticed very similar products from there sometimes too.

cheers, Mal.

Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
I don't follow what's added on JVzoo, so could be. Although there is no checking process. You just add products and they are live. I have many products on there that are not unique to me, that I did not create.

As for W+, well, they do say "recommend" lol

Like "recommended selling price...", right?

We all know how well that rule is followed.

But I do get alerts from W+, many a day, and I see many products that are not new or unique. Ones I sell myself.

Could be that W+ was started from the WF for the WSO section, and the WSO section has always been the rule that is has to be unique. Might be why you have that impression. These days seems the W+ is a very big free-for-all. Lots of junk lately :(


Feb 14, 2016
Hi Ron,

Thanks for clearing that up. I've just been reading the TOS and such, but I am sure not all things are followed to the letter.

--- Lots of Junk Lately --- That is for sure...

But let's try to lift the standards... :>)

Take care, Mal.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2015
Very nice post Ron, definitely a good read for me. I definitely like the parts about adding value and repurposing products, especially if something can be used to improve upon a product or it's purpose.

I've never done much selling of digital goods myself, but have been doing a bit of research and trying to decide exactly how I want to go about getting more into digital products. This post definitely got me thinking about a few ideas.

Thanks for sharing and sorry, no snacks! ;)

Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
Glad you liked it Uterious. Thanks for the kind words. Hope it motivates or inspires you.

As long as you do more doing than you do thinking :)

Oh you better bring snacks next time or you are out of the club!


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2015
Glad you liked it Uterious. Thanks for the kind words. Hope it motivates or inspires you.
It definitely does. I always like your posts my friend! :)

As long as you do more doing than you do thinking :)
This is one of my problems. I am very analytical in nature and tend to over think many things. I'm definitely trying to make an effort to do more doing and less thinking this year. I'm not sure if that will work out or not, i'll have to think about it! ;)

Oh you better bring snacks next time or you are out of the club!
As soon as I saw the word "snacks", it got me even more hungry than I have been lately. I've been under the weather lately and haven't been able to eat much because of it. Now you got me thinking I need to run to the store and get some snacks! (Seriously) :D

Ron Killian

Well-known member
Dec 3, 2015
Ron Killian
We all have our things that keep us from taking action, or not taking enough action. Some might not admit it, but every one has their days. Every one.

Hope you feeling better. Since you were under the weather, your excused for forgetting snacks this time. :)
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